Thank you lord for my sweet neighbor Diane. I called her asked her if she by any chance could take me to Kohls (they usually have the BEST shoe deals)
SHE WAS ON THAT LIKE ants at a picnic!
so off we went.
NOPE Kohls had everything BUT what we needed. I did get a baby gift though for my new baby cousin that should arrive any moment now,
while there. (that was fun! omgosh such cute stuff) it was right there by it luckily.
So, Target? How did I feel? I still was ok. Not too bad... yet. Went to target straight to that part. NOPE, everything but what she needed. Ok. left there. went to Payless. NOPE nothingggggg in her size. NOTHING.
Thank goodnesss they were having displays at the front of these places though.
SEARS? do they have shoes? I thought Sears just sold Appliances.
Havn't been in one in forever.
BUT, look what we found there.
THE CUTEST LITTLE SIZE 13 navy (NON TIE UPS as she called them)

I had just about given up... they were on the VERY BOTTOM and Diane Found them.
AUNT DIANE TO THE RESCUEEEEE! (and they were on saleeeeeeeeeee)
She had a really good first day. SHe loves her teacher. Has made a new friend. (Amelia) and came home all smiley. I got her a Hello Kitty Lap pad thinking it would encourage the home work. (she is a Hello Kitty lovin' Monster)
She already has projects due. I will have to sit on my hands not to help OMGOSH IT IS SOOO CUTE.

I love these little things. She is such a little project doer.
I love watching her mind turn. I see the little wheels turning she was so excited. SHe said "MOMMM GUESS WHAT I GET TO SCRAPPP BOOOK.. ok well sorrta... then she said OOOOH CAN I USEEEE YOUR CRICUTTTT?????????"
I told her I THINK she wants her to do it by hand but we will do some of it with the cricut. I will ask her teacher about that. Not sure on that one. (Bella knows how to work that thing let me tell ya!)
In other news. I GOT MY KIT FROM CUPCARDS TO GO YESTERDAY! OMGOSH this is the cutest little thing you ever seen in your life! It comes in this cute box and you can tell how much time she spendss putting all this together!!!!! everything is cut and so well put together just sooooooo cuteeeee. I just dont want to take it all apart to play with it. IT IS SOOOOOOO CUTEEEEEEEE!
Comes in a cute little box. BUT, I got stuff I need to make so ... I gotta dive on in hehehe.
I am exhausted beyond belief from yesterday and can't think of a spot that doesn't hurt. The stufff we do for our kids when we know we shouldn't! WHEN WE KNOW BETTER!
WHEN WE KNOW the next day we will be in pain.... THATS LOVE KIDDO... yeah thats sacrifice I sacrifice myself for you alot kiddo hehhee dont you forget it your mommy loves you!!! xoxoxo (or you would still be wearin them shoes!)
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