Friday, February 06, 2009


Treasures to Scrap has a new contest up for February. Here is your chance to win 100.00 in product from the TTS STORE! Check out the details HERE
This is going to be alot of fun!! SO many kits to choose from!

I think I am finally about to get over this round of shingles. They will get almost gone and then move somewhere else though so Im scared to stop taking the steroids. i start tapering down off them and I get a couple more to pop up. so I guess It is just inevitable. I have been in kinda a daze this whole week though. They will do that to you though. They arent as painful (on me) depending on where they are. I know when they are on my face neck and ears they hurt the worse.

The temperature bouncing back and forth also has been lovely lol.

I tell you it has been fun looking at all the new product coming out from C.H.A. though. That has kept my spirits up. SO much to look forward to coming out from the manufacturers. Now I just have to get well so I can use it all hahaa.

I have stuff sitting on my scrap table right now I JUST HAVE TO GET steady so I can scrap with it!