Well IM DOING A PHOTO A DAY CHALLENGE hahaha. Im also planning to keep my blog up better. IM NOT DOING IT AS A NEW YEARS RESOLUTION cuz those are just madee to break. SO Im gonna do it like a goal instead. Yeah thats it.. a goal. something I can achieve.
so ... HERE Is my photo for today...

YESsssssssssss I still have my Christmas decorations up. I DONT WANNA HEAR IT. I KNOW I KNOW yes I own a calendar. BUT we are not THROUGH with all our Christmas stuff yet. Being sick through Christmas messed it all up so, My mom is coming this weekend. SO then we can take the tree and decor down. Bella insists it stay up, so Grandma can see it. ::insert eyeroll::
OH by the way. I will post later the REVISED LAYOUT of Greyson and Daisy. He wigged out because FLOWERS WERE TOUCHING PAPER THAT HIS PHOTO WAS ON!! SO I took them off and put some other stuff on. I will post the new layout later when I can photograph it with the sun shinging. (it just doesn't look as good if you photo it before the sun comes up when you want to show a layout..) IM gonna go crawl back in bed and get some more rest before Miss Bella wakes up. I hope you all have a WONDERFUL FRIDAY.
GO CHECK OUT SCRAP-DINER for our VIVA LA FRIDAY CHALLENGE! IT is going to be fun. I also want to say congratulations to the NEW DESIGN TEAM for this quarter! Be sure and stop by and give them a shout out!!