I made this project with my Scrapbook Obsessions Kit Featuring 3 Bugs In a Rug Spread Your Wings Collection. How appropriate for what I wanted to do could this be. This project has been very dear to my heart. Very therapeutic but then scrap booking is my therapy since I am home bound these days. Today at 12:18 pm (lunch time) marks another year without my daddy. He was a deputy that was killed in line of duty. Taken by a drug addict trying to escape. I miss him so much every day. To the world, time has passed but to me it might as well have been yesterday.

The world goes on but my life seemed to kinda stop in a way. It hasn't been the same and never will be. It seems particularly hard this year because we have had a lot of death this week. Bella has been asking lots of questions about death, heaven and about her papaw. She never knew him, But knows a lot about him.

Right now I ask if at 12:18 p.m. central standard time (lunch time) If you think about it. if you would just take a moment to have a prayer/moment of silence but especially for my mom.

and all the officers and deputies and their families. all the service men out there risking their lives when they pull that car over. THEY NEVER KNOW who is behind that wheel and what might happen.

Think about that next time you are speeding also or go through that license check point Give them a smile. They never know what they are in for.

That could be someones daddy,

If You read this and it is after that time. That is ok. Just take a moment now and next time you see a Sheriff deputy thank him and his family for what they do. Tell him to be careful out there. Tell him you know someone else out here who appreciates them too :) that really wants them to be safe.