Look and see if you Recognise anyone (ME) as the FEATURED SCRAPPER for the MARCH APRIL Ezine for SCRAPPIN TRENDS. (ITS A HUMONGOUS FILE AND TAKES A WHILE TO LOAD BUT BE PATIENT IT IS WORTH IT. YOU MAY RECOGNISE ALOT OF THE PEOPLE PUBBED IN THERE WHEHEW) ELISA YOU ROCK OUTLOUD GIRLFRIEND! SHe has the coolest stuff and so much rockin stuff in her store too (yeah I could get in big trouble easy there hehe)
She has all the pre order Elsie stuff tooo (DROOOOOOOL)ALso COngrats to my Jeanne who made the cover for the Ezine as well WHEHEHWWWWWW LOOK GIRLY WE BOTH ON THE COVER OF A MAG TOGETHER NOW THIS IS TRULY ROCKIN OUTLOUD!!!! BY the way STOP by Jeanne's Blog and look what she did with Bellas picture (THIS IS GONNA LOOK SOOOO AWESOME IN MY FOYER IN A FRAME HINT HINT) I took last week. Your gonna have to pick your mouth up off the ground it is sooo gorgeous!! TELL HER HI FOR ME!!
I worked my tail off today getting my last two projects finished boxed up and mailed for the book that is coming out end of April with Jamie Tharpe called NEVER FORGOTTEN and will be published by PineCone PRess. IT is going to be an amazing book and a dream come true for alot of people. (praying none of my pages get cut double finger cross) This was a very emotional and difficult thing to do since the pages were on my dad and his death. I had to do alot of in depth journaling. The pages are completely of my heart and I cannot wait to share them. THis is a total dream come true and Im so thankful to Jamie and everyone that made this possible for me. ESPECIALLY after my page got cut in the scrapbook trends journaling book (MAJOR HEARTBREAK) but then it got picked up for the magazine (can you see the rollercoaster emotions going?) SO Im very excited and cant wait to see it in print.
IM EXHAUSTED I literally Missed BUNCO tonight and have MAJOR making up to my friend Katrina to do since this is the second one I missed, but I worked on these last pages literally ALL DAY today until a few minutes ago when I got my box taped shuta nd the shipping labels ready to go, the product lists typed correctly (yeah we have to type them exactly the way YOU see them in the book, so wild never had done that before) SOOO worth it!
SO Im about to go crash out. OH Bellas Mosquito bites are ALOT better today. They look like bruises now but at least not swollen the size of her head and not fever in them. That was sooo scary. I think there are just 3 but with the way they swoll up it looked like at least 6.
Anyway I THINK she is gonna make it lol. she was back to her Mischievious self today so I BELIEVE she is fine.
Thanks again yall and keep your eyes peeled for good things coming!!