All I could get as an answer was "outages happen" hmm wonder what they would think if that was the reason you didn't pay the bill? well I had an outage in my check book as in its outage of money... sorry we will get to you as soon as a technician can put some money in the account... yeah right. THAT WOULD GO OVER. Not ONLY I was upset but several neighbors that were having the same issues and getting the same answers from the loverly customer no service reps. grrrrrr. FINALLY I demanded SOMEONE who was a supervisor of I didnt care what department.. did they have a vehicle that they could go get someone to fix it? so CHRIS came to the phone. I asked his name because I figured we would be friends because I was gonna keep calling him because I didn't have anything else to do, I couldn't work because.... MY INTERNET WASN'T WORKING!!!! He thought that was pretty funny but soon learned I was serious. Bless his heart I have to tip his hat for the patience he had. He told me of some of the calls he was getting from some VERY IRATE individuals (a stockbroker that worked online, and several online business') I advised him that hmmm that might clue em in that THEY HAVE A PROBLEM! ALthough he was in SOMEWHEREVILLE USA and couldnt really do nuttin. HE DID TRY REALLY HARD.... BUT, We are sooo fiddna go to DSL!!! .. RANT OVER....
SO ANYWAY.. I scrapped while we had no cable or internet.. heck not much ya can do. Sit here and stare at each other. John played video games. I scrapped lol. was a funfilled night at the Jones residence.

Bella I BELIEVE is getting FINALLY a little homesick. SHE CALLED TODAY on her own will and I told her I missed her and she said "I miss yous too mommy" FIRST TIME she has said that since she has been gone! I hate she is missing us. She can't come home though till the Strep is gone.. I cant start this med yet if I catch Strep :( The dr said I DONT have to live in a bubble and be as cautious as I WAS when I was on the other meds that I have been on, but, if someone is sick.. DONT go near them on purpose. so, we just have let her stay there with all the strep germs they already have.
I hope she gets well soon I really miss my kidlet!!!
Thank you all soooo very much also for your sweet comments and emails yesterday. I got all of them today so I may not have replied yet but I will. I have a ton of email to do. I am in a better mood (about that) today and back to my we are gonna get through this and it aint nothin but a shot attitude today. I am just gonna demand not to be sick rofl (as if that has worked so far ya know) from these meds.
So Im not worrying about it one more moment until it gets here. I have too much to do :) THANK YOU ALL AGAIN. YALL ROCK!!!