Monday, December 17, 2007


Bella had her play last night at David and Diane Carter's Church. THey were so proud of her. THey said she did a fantastic job. I didn't get to go :( but John took some FABULOUS photos and I know David and Diane are HURRYING to RUSH ME that TAPE so I CAN WATCH MY BABY SING!!! hahahaha. Here are some photos.

we apprecitiate david and Diane SOOO much for Taking Bella to do this. We just love them so much! SO does Bella if you can't Tell!

Here is David lookin' all Mayorly!
Here they are in the homeless scene

The whole crew!!

They collected alot of Canned good and things for some familys that really needed it. I hope you find it in your hearts to donate to someone you thing may be in need or drop something off at a collections place for needy familys. WE can participate in so many ways from the local churches to donating to various charities. I know there are alot of children out there that aren't as fortunate as we are. Im so proud of Bella and how good she did for David and Diane.

PS: for all my pals across the water over yonder in Austrailia and New Zealand. Keep your eyes out in 2008 for BELLA! I have had 6 pages picked up by the Austrailian Magazine Scrapbooking Memories (can I get a WHEHEEWW THANK YOU LORD!!) we going international BABEEEEYYYYY!