I have kinda put on hold my big thing I have been praying over but I HAVE NOT set aside my plans. Thank you all for the support as well on that even for not knowing. Sorry to be that way but I just want to be sure I do the right thing. My hubby has been on me and talking with me about it and I have consulted a couple of experts so.. we will see. Just gonna put it in the good lords hands.
HEY if you are out and about Pick up a copy of SOMERSET MEMORIES FEB/MARCH issue and

I have several things in this issue of Ready Set Create as well. I stopped counting at like 19. Totally shocking Im tellin ya!
I have alot of scrapping to catch up on. IT is so easy to get behind. I got 2 boxes in the mail in the past week IM just dying to rip into and play with. So more on that when I get some stuff done. IM just happy to be verticle today for a bit and out of bed. BUT.. I think I have been up long enough now so back I go. Hope you all have a blessed day!!