I think we are about to kick this. HUGE PROGRESS. I feel so much more human. Want to thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes. Im still not 100% but IM getting there quickly. Thank you again so much.
We are watching this Hurricane IKE now. My goodness he sure is causing a big mess and throwing alot of water around.
I fear for those people in Galveston Texas. One of the news reports said that the coastal areas had so much flooding expected that IMMENENT DEATH would be if they didn't evacuate.
Hmmmmm. I THINK THAT WOULD BE MY CUE TO LEAVE! It is hard for me to believe people still continue to stay when they announce 50 foot waves headed your way. Maybe they have surfboards and a really clear conscience. I dunno.
I pray for everyone in harms way though. I hope it doesnt do alot of damage. I know what all it is causing here and we are several states away so I can only imagine.
I hope to get to scrap some this weekend IM SOOOOOOOO behind on stuff.
This has really kicked my tail. Im glad it is about over with. My house is so in dissarray. I can't find NUTHIN haha. Poor John and Bella they have been doin best they can while I have been out for the count for so long.
Speaking of which I better go on and get something out of dinner... I WANT REAL FOOD!!!!
Have a great day I hope to ceom back later with scrappy stuff to share!