Monday, July 02, 2007

WHHEW a toot and blog challenge

TOdays BLog challenge by Dawn is to List an accomplishment we are proud of.

WEll. I have a new one that is out. I just got named the Design Team Co ordinator for Treasures To Scrap. IM so excited! Tracy and Wendi are so busy working for the site and for us getting sponsors and cool products they don't get a chance to breathe sometimes. SO I am going to take some of the stress off of them and be the OFFiCIAL question answerer. Kinda a go between. HElp out where needed and help the design team have what they need to get their projects done. I am also going to be working hard to bring in sponsors and fun things for us to do.

I think this is a big accomplishment with all I have had going on in my life here lately. I have been very dedicated to the site and to Tracy and Wendi. SO it is a big honor for me. I am so excited. WE want this site to be a place you can kick back have fun and scrap and get mega inspiration. They have some of the most generous sponsors and are a blast to work with. Tracy and Wendi are all about their DT and their customers which is so impessive to me. I am forever grateful to Di for telling me about this place. It has been hard being stuck in the house and sick all the time. So this is my place to get in touch with the outside world and forget about it for a while. A great way to focus on scrappin and creating these albums for my daughter.

IM finally getting better I can see progress and IM SO happy. I dont have a spot in front of my eye today and my head isnt swimming THANK YOU LORD!!
Thank you for all of your prayers and warm thoughts!
DONT FORGET we have a new contest starting at Treasures for UNDISCOVERED TALENT.