For 12 years I was treated for lupus SLE. They have not long ago decided that I don't (thankfully) have lupus but in fact it was the entire time Multiple Sclerosis. SO many patients go through this. Being passed around to many dr's trying to figure out whats wrong. I guess that is why I am still a strong advocate and want to fight for research for these auto immune disease research fundings. THere is so much to be learned on how these things happen and what causes it. So many things to know on what to look for in the cause and treatment. DID YOU KNOW that there has not been a new drug for lupus in the last 50 years? Yeah I was astonished. Read more about that HERE and what can be done to help. If you have lupus, we need your help. Tell your story. You can find more information by clicking that link. I have alot of friends that suffer from many different forms of autoimmune disease family members as well. Take a moment if you would to read what you can do. Knowledge is power.
I got a package in the mail the other day. It was beautiful Tinsel Town and Cupcake Pink Paislee Papers. Stacey From All Moments Remembered Asked me to make her some samples with these lines to hang in her store. These will be mailed out next week. I thought I would give you a peek at them here though, Are these papers not just delicious???

The cupcake line was the other line she sent. Here is a page I made with that.

The photo doesn't do it justice. The cupcake has stickles for the icing and is just so sparkly glittery cute.