I did good No tears but when I got home and started putting them through photo shop...
ONE really got me. I have to admit my eyes really started to tear up. you will know the one when you see it oh gosh it just wrenched my heart and (made me forget what a little turkey rear she has been for the last week ughh! ok not forget but maybe just kinda unruffle a few of the feathers)
so here are some of the photos and I will share with the other moms

Daddy putting on her shoes... How sweet is this?

I take her picture every year in front of this wall. man she is growing...

my little messy child.... she is notttt happy about these shoes. (Mommy was sick... Daddy did the uniform shopping. sigh. IM GONNA FIX IT don't worry. I bribed her today to wear them haha. I told her Daddy did best her could do. We will FIX IT! so she is ok with it for today. (Im praying) bless her.

Bella sticking her tongue out at me saying she does not like her ugly shoes. sigh.

Bella does this thing with her eyebrows she raises them up and down. Here eyes go all crazy when she does it. It is really funny. makes me laugh really hard. anyway she was doing that in the back seat at me..

This picture made me choke! Thought I was over all the emotional back to school stuff. I was ready for her to go back geesh! That one above kinda got me! She is growing up ya know! ( I got over it quick..) Next....

Our traditional walk in with daddy...

Discussing her ugly shoes with Nautica. hahaha.

Bella and her bff Bailey

These three are just the cutest everrrr!

She missed her friends soooo much!
I think she is really happy to be back at school! Hope my Bella bug has a wonderful first day in Second Grade. Will miss her today a smidge (maybe) hehe. ok ok I WILL it is really quiet.
I promised her if the kitties do anything interesting I would let her know. I would feed them their snack and keep her updated.
she is toooo funny!
By the way UNKIT LIVE (Sudie TV) tonight is alllll about BACK TO SCHOOL! you do NOT want to miss this live scrap book show. GONNA BE SOOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!! I will see you there!
Great pictures. Just tell her daddy wants her to be strong. Tie up shoes give you lots more strength than mary janes - honestly!! It's got something to do with the spine/muscle system.
Gorgeous photos! cant wait to see them on your pages
OMGoodness - such a doll in her uniform! I see why tie-up shoes are the issue --- her BFF's are in Mary Janes.
Sometimes you gotta push it to get things done. I'm so thrilled you're feeling up to the challenge.
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