Saturday, January 02, 2021

I have been at a virtual (online) Crop (scrap book get together) today. all day. I made a bunch of pages. They are kinda simple pages but I did embellish some of them up a little. I followed along though with the challenges and tried to keep up until I got tired.
You can barely see lala in these pictures but trust me she laid under that Christmas tree from the time we put it up until present (we haven't taken it down yet)
Had to do a page on my precious little boy too!
Rosie is Bella's little buddy. The seniors get a kindergarden student to be their buddy for the year. THey do stuff with them. They had double the number of seniors than buddys seniors were 2 to a buddy.
This was for a sketch challenge. I told how we had to undecorate the tree and take the lights all off then John had to put the new lights all back on. Then while we were sleeping, he decorated the tree. so it was all lit and beautiful when we got up! wasn't that sweet!
There was a glare on the photo so i dunno what all that is on the left. But, this is a page to Bella about her senior year.
This page is about how this lady backed into the side of the car while Bella was parked at her friends house. ugh!
Again with the glare! I dunno what that is. anyway. This is a layout on the Christmas star. we didnt get a good view of it here but I got some good photos off the internet to scrapbook. you cant see the first photo because its a glare but its just a tiny picture of the star. Well these are the layouts I got done at the crop. I Had fun. They did a couple more than I did but I got my bingo card filled so I was happy. I am now tired. Im used to doing maybe 3 pages in a days time. but I also had kits with my paper and photos picked out ahead of time so that helped.

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