Sunday, January 17, 2021

2 new CHallenge pages

I am trying to keep up with the daily scrap challenges at Scrapbooking The Day Away I am usually a day or maybe 2 behind, but I tend to catch up on the weekends. Well I did 2 pages today. I dunno if I am caught up or not. I did the challenges I saw. I can't ever find them that well to see them in order to know if Ive done them or post them with the original challenge. Thats the problem with facebook groups vs the message boards. I miss the old message boards and gallerys.No one seems to do that anymore. Well My first challenge I completed was to use a Black and White photo on a colorful background.I chose this picture of MY Daddy when he was a little boy. I did some earnest Journaling about how my dad grew up after being sick with polio when he was a baby, but how his determination followed him throughout adulthood. I love and miss my daddy so much!!
The next challenge was to use 2 photos and your paper scraps along with the color blue for this page.
This page is about her special gift she gets every year from her Uncle Windale and Aunt Karen. I used accents of BLue and a blue background on this I cut out embellishments from both sides of the paper. Its a little dark and hard to see. I also made several cards today. Birthday. Thinking of you. I keep my cards well stocked. Im about to start valentines. I joined a card club last nice (she sends you products to make cards) she is just getting started. All she has is a 5.00 group right now for a couple of cards a month. She is talking about making a bigger kit for people that make more cards. Its called BEE CREATIVE WITH MANDY Click on that and it should take you to it. Tell her I sent you!Its owned by Mandy Teifke. Thats the good thing i have found recently. I hope you have a good day Happy Scrapbooking!

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