Friday, August 10, 2007


HOW CUTE IS THIS LITTLE DESK? (and what't in it) I know yall are probly sick of seeing all my school photos Im taking. BUT I have to say THIS IS SO FUN. She is having a blast and LOVES Her teacher so much. I can so understand why. She really does love those kids and has so much fun with them. YOu can just see her joy. I just love people like that. You know the ones... You can't help but smile when your around them. She is so like that and you can tell those children just love her. I feel so good about this school and what she is doing there. Although I think I screwed up in car line today.. Im a total goof and still don't know what Im doing HA! But will get in the routine soon I hope.

IM slaving away working on my page for the finals at scrapbook lifestyle's Stylin' Idol contest. Im already so nervous ::insert nail biting smiley here:: BUT I HAVE to say THIS IS SOOOO MUCH STINKIN FUN!!!! I have had So much fun doing these challenges. I cannot BELIEVE Im still in this contest. SO many amazing scrappers in this and then there is ME ha! I say grace of God and a little luck IM still in there. I may not win this thing but I can sure tell you I HAVE HAD A TOTAL BLAST. Met some COOL people with MASSIVE skillz. Had some AMAZING well thought challenges that made me get down and dirty (especially the paint one I think I was giggling most of the time I was painting I had it everywhere) THis time IS NOOO different. IM putting alot of hours in this page. again I may not win but man I think It is one of my most favorite. I always hated contests and never did them.. but I have done 2 in the last year and I have gotten some AMAZING pages from both contests I have to admit I AM SO GLAD I DID.

Anyway.. it is time for Supper around here and I dont smell anything cooking so I reckon John must be tired. HE does alot of our cooking since he just enjoys cooking so much. ::ducks because I KNOW he is gonna throw something at me when he reads this::
He has been on vacation and has painted the house in between rain storms. Weeded the landscaping and done all kinda yard work. I tell you JUST watch NEXT week it will be sunny and beautiful EVERY DAY. IT has been SO HOT and then those afternoon lightning and thunderstorms have been horrid. IT has rain rain rained but IT is SOOO stinkin hot and well we needed the rain. OK really going to go fix some supper now before my family comes in here and wheels my chair out.
BYEEE have a great weekend!

ps: I dont know WHY my photos are not showing up I will try again to put them up in a bit. YOU HAVE to see this little desk with her sitting in it OMGOSH gonna be the CUTEST layout EVERRRRR. I am sure her teacher thinks Im nuttier than I am since I keep walking around there with a camera. Bella is so used to it she just stands there and smiles like GET IT OVER WITH MOM! hehe OK IM GOING IM GOING!

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