Which yesterday, was a ground breaking day in the Jones household. I DROVE MY CAR for the first time since.... any one? anyone wanna guess? SINCE BEFORE HALLOWEEN. ::pause for the omg your kidding me's:: yes Im serious. Someone asked me recently what kinda gas mileage my camry is getting and do I have it broken in good. I have to just laugh because my reply was IT GETS GREAAAAT gas mileage errr.. if you leave it in the garage!
The medications they have had me on made me dizzy and that foggy feeling where you turn your head and everything kinda goes blurry and trails off in the distance. I figured Mobile, Alabama had enough issues on the road without adding THAT to it. SO I following my dr's instructions. STAYED MY TAIL AT HOME and DIDNT GO NOWHERE hardly and SURE DIDNT DRIVE! I have 5 more weeks I have to stay away from anyone that might even look like they have any sort of cooties and stay Infection free. CANNOT risk getting a cold even with all I have had going on.
Yesterday I had not much choice. John got called out to Poplarville Mississippi which essentially you go to the end of the earth, take a sharp left. go 3 miles past hell and you will see the driveway for it. They had 4 servers go down (hit by lightening) from all the storms that have been coming through. So I tried to call around to some of the ones on the list that are able to pick Bella up. No answer. Well I have been off this medication a day so I feel ALOT better. I think I have passed all the stones, Im sore like after you have given birth to a rock band, but other than that. I think I should be able to drive. Took me 10 minutes to find my keys. I was an OVERLY cautious driver. I have to say IT felt good to get out. baby steps yall baby steps!
Bella and I came home and we FINISHED cleaning up the house. I haven't done crapp hardly around here. The sound of the vaccum on this medication sends me into orbit. Anything loud like if you turn the tv on the wrong channel and the tv volume is up to loud. Omgosh it is like someone is driving 3 foot pins through my ears and brain while freddy krugar drags his nails across a chalk board. The dr said it is a common symptom from having the scar tissue around my ear drum.. things sound different and effect me differently now. My equilibrium is still bad off but I dont get dizzy like before THANK YOU LORD!!
So we did that, got that all picked up. We painted fingernails, we cooked dinner (spaghetti and ketchup.. dont ask , I didnt eat it. she wanted it, That has to be a JONES thing. I don't remember eating weird crapp like that) I guess a better description would be a bowl of ketchup with a noodle or two floating around in it. yeah, you just got the visual in your head didn't you? sorry about that.
So supper was done, we cleaned up, we vaccumed. Yeah I actually vaccumed without wishing death on the makers of hoover. WHY they don't come out with a SILENT vaccum cleaner I dunno. We braided hair and played with barbies.

John got home a little before 7 and finished up his tickets for the day. I told him I was going to lay down for just a few minutes I was havin a "sinker" which means not feelin great all of a sudden.
Next thing I know.. IT's 3 30 A.M. I thought it was still the night before. Don't you hate it when that happens. I look around and no John, No Bella. What in the world. They were sacked out in mid sleep on the couch. I hated to wake them up because if you do,' going back to sleep isnt always easy. SO there I left them peacefully dreaming while cartoons played in the background.
I did get a page done for the crop we are having at Iscrap this weekend. I also finished a page for the Challenge Blast that is taking place from the 18th to the 25th at www.scrap-diner.com next week. You may want to check out the store while you are there. She is running a massive sale clearing out the store getting ready for CHA next month. If you are a hobby enthusiast you will know that is the craft and hobby associations release of new products. IT is what alot of scrapbookers live for. I am still trying to catch up from last CHA myself!! I have so many things I have to catch up on. Christmas totally threw me for a loop this year. WE just finished our last Christmas party and got our tree and decorations down THIS WEEK. Now I have to get my game face back on and get stuff done. ANYWAY check those 2 places out if your looking for inspiration. LOTS of fun challenges and prizes coming up!
Hope you have a Great day and get to take a photo. Be sure and point me to your blog in the comments if you update and add a photo so I can leave ya some lovin' I am behind on blogs as well as forums ::yikes::
Maybe I can stay caught up for a while and this will be behind us.
Hanging there, God has his plan and he is the only one who knows why?. Don't forget that our beauty is inside. I will keep you in my prayers
Zoom, zoom, zoom!! that's you in the car!! Glad you got out and enjoyed it!! Love the picnic on your freshly vacuumed carpet!! Sweet Bella! What a gem!
I'm not doing too well at a Pic a day either...but there's always tomorrow...right?!
Glad you seem to be feeling a little better...
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