WE made it through the stormy weather last night. BElla was NOT happy about it. John had to get those servers up in Poplarville. He didnt get home till almost midnight. He had to drive up to Collins to Meet another guy that worked with them to pick up an additional server that didn't come in, so YOU GUESSED IT.. he DROVE through all that monsooon of storms.
Bella was NONE TO THRILLED at Bedtime when Daddy wasnt home yet. She said "he was SOOOOOOOOOO gettin' a Time out for bein Late!" I explained that those people at that car dealership cant sale any cars or work if they don't have their computers and daddy has to fix them. She just looked at me. Then replied " but its dark time and THEY NEED TO BE IN BED. Can't dey just do it tomorrow?" WOW the logic of a 4 y ear old. I explained to her daddy had to stay till it was finished SO THEY COULD work tomorrow. SHe reluctantly said OK but still thought it was the craziest thing ever.
He had to go back over there today to do the fine tuning and the guy he met up with in collins drove down to help him since it was such a huge job.
Bless his heart he is A LITTLE STRESSED right now. NOT TO MENTION Sliced his finger and nail open and had to sport a LOVELY DORA THE EXPLORER band aid on it. HEHEHE
HE Is such a stud! ONLY my hubby could make that work with his uniform hahahaha.
I have ALOT of work to catch up on and things due. So Im gonna split for now. GOt to get as much done before school is out as possible. My gallery is looking pretty slim at www.scrap-diner.com I got to put some new stuff in it. Everything is out for publication (which is good) but EEEEK! I can't post the ones I have been working on because they are for the Challenge Blast we are having next week. so ughm.. it is lookin slim for now. I guess that is a good problem to have. SORRY SHER! I will add some other stuff! THIS WEEEKEND!
OK got to finish this tutorial and another challenge and get these packages ready to mail the magazine. I WILL BE BACK TOMORROW with another PHOTO!!
The waether is so crazy this year..in the 70's here... Beautiful flower!!! John just wanted that bandaid causes he misses his Bella Bug!!!! They Steve wears Barbie bandaids... thats what he gets for having a house full of women!!!!
beautiful flower, can't wait to see all your work
Have a reat day
beautiful pic! found you on scrap diner and wanted to join the photo blog roll! sounds fun! love your work, especially that 'green eyed girl' layout!
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