It was Christophers Birthday so we went to his party at lavitra Park. Annette made the Cake herself! I was HIGHLY impressed. It was so cool. Looked like a tank and had an army man sitting on it. It had the field and the gravel the whole works. Bella said it tasted pretty yum yum too! SO way to go Annette! GIrl you sure know how to throw a party. We saw lots of our friends from playgroup and Bella had so much fun playing on the playground. SHe smiles bigger than I have seen in a while.
We came home. Watched Garfield, ate supper. John cleared some old files off my computer... old pictures and other just junk that has taken up space for too long. He fussed cuz I need to reorganize my files on there Yeah i know huney I will I promise. eventually haha! MUAH! I updated my gallery and added more creations to The Chalet. Chatted with my friends for a bit before I hit the hay.
Today was another pretty day here in Mobile. We have had a good day today. Still no nauseau. Got some of my scrap room cleaned up and ready for my new cabinets and island to come in here. Hopefully it will warm up soon so we can paint. We have changed the cabinet style this is the 4th time because we keep finding a better deal. I cannot wait Im so excited. We also are about to start putting down the hard wood floors and renovating the bathrooms and making this more like home. I guess since it has been 2 years we figure we will be here a while so might as well get comfy.
I wanted to congratualte MICHELLE (vanilla) for winning layout of the week this week over at the CHALET. GIRL your page rocked outloud! Im so proud of you girly girl!
I hope it stays pretty and we stay feeling well like today we have alot of plans for this week and alot of photo ops. SO stay tuned. Im gonna get these and more photos printed up and the pages will be coming soon. Got alot of projects due and alot of pubs coming out! SO keep your eyes peeled!
Hope you have a great week
Hugs and smooches