Thank you,
Today I am dedicating my blog post to my daddy.
The journaling on this page is as follows:
This is the road that was named after my daddy.
My daddy was killed 11 years ago. He was a sherriff
deputy pulling a suspect over in a stolen vehicle. The
guy got out and stabbed him 15 times. This is the first
page I have done on it. This is the road where it happ-
ened. His road. Named after him now. This is the first
of many pages that will help me deal with that day.
That will help me mentally get through it. Yeah it has
been 11 years but to me.. it might as well have been
yesterday.. or the day before. This page is helping me
to leave behind a legacy for my little girl about her grandpa.
What a wonderful man he was and how he died saving the
life of someone else... it was premeditated and the person
that came in contact with the escapee first…well daddy got
there first. We have heard so many stories, possibilities of
who that person COULD have been, from other people that
we love in our community, to other people traveling on this
road that day. My daddy is a hero... he always will be.. now,
I have one page to go in his book.. maybe the other ones will
come easier now.
Journaling says:
August 28, 1995 12 :18 pm rings through my memory like a freight train. The day that changed all of our lives forever. This kid that ws hard up for a fix escaped a druge rehab and stole a vehicle. You happend to be the first one to spot the vehicle. WHen you pulled him over he stabbed you till yoru death. That road now has your blood on it. but it also bears your name. SO much was taken from us that day, fromt he world, our family, our community. THe Sherriff's Department lost an officer, many lost a friend, many lost an uncle, a grandfather, a brother, a husband, and yes a daddy.
You were so much to so many people. It is easy to see that that day, that you died, Part of me died too daddy. I had no idea the road that lay ahead of us. HOW much things would change. You truly were the glue that held us all together. We all seemed lost and unsure what to do after that. SO many would come up and say OH I KNOW just how you feel I lost my dad. or brother or whatever, they had cancer or heart failure. How do I explain yes Im sorry but NO its not the same. We went through a trial, a long grueling trial. waiting years for justice to be served for your murder. We fought the drug rehabs for better security and more chaperones and possible dangerous patients. We fought for stiffer penalties in drug related crimes. we succeded on a few we have endured the fact it happened less than 3 miles from where we call home. A road we were forced to drive every day to get anywhere. I eventually would move because it was just too much for my heart to bear every day. Some ONE took your life. You didnt just die. HE killed you. NOT ONLY did that kid kill my daddy that day. HE TOOK away my sense of security and yeah he took "my GLUE" Its been 11 years now. People want to move on but how can we move one when we dont want to forget what we all loved so very much.
I miss you so very much daddy!
Nancy Jones ~ 2007
Letters that were written during sad times, good times, happy times and when I went through therapy, inside the book of this layout. It opens to hold as many letters as I want to write to heaven.
Hope you remember today those that died giving us the freedoms we have today. Remember all the ones that made the ultimate sacrifice.
May you have a blessed Memorial Day.