Here is the newest news on Trevor. Everyone is very thankful and rejoicing this morning but also with heavy hearts for the 3 people who lost their lives this weekend. Those 3 people donated their organs that will save 7 lives.
* Updated to add that Tracy has put the entire thing up on her blog so you can see what all happened and also a huge THANK YOU to everyone that has been praying and continues to pray for all involved. You can see that HERE
It s something to really think about if you have not thought about it or decided if you would donate your organs after your gone. (not like your gonna be usin' em!) What a wonderful gift to give someone that is desperatly clinging to life.
After seeing what Tracy and everyone has gone through waiting for Trevor to receive this gift, has really made me stop and think about it.
(if they would use mine....)
So everyone is smiling bigger today.
I know Bella is so excited today because her Aunt Liz, Zach and Greyson are coming. They are going to take her back with them for the weekend. She can barely contain herself she is so excited.
So that means I need to go and clean at this house a little.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday and thank you for your continued prayers for Trevor and his family!!!