LOVE these photos of Bella and her Papa last year on her birthday. She just loves her papa sooo much and wants to call and talk to him all the time. SHe is so funny and he is JUST A LITTTTLLEEE TINY BIT crazy about her too hahaha! This is from the IMAGINE CREATE SCRAP MARCH KIT (fancy pants). Where I am a design team member. I had alot of trouble cutting this paper cuz well, it is so pretty! I still have a few designs left to scrap.
I had a rockin COOOOOOL as Snow mail day yesterday. I GOT 36 sheets of the new BLING CARDSTOCK from THE CHALET. She also sent some basic grey I needed to finish a project. Laura YOU ARE A ROCKSTAR WOMAN! I JUST LOVE YA! SO glad I got it before it started stormin too! I would have died if that got wet!
Today I register BElla for school. I cannot believe my baby is big enough to go to school. 4K She is going to love it. I will love it too since I can get some things done, but Im gonna miss her runnin round here up my tail all day hahaha. We have since Im feeling better, had alot of funbeing home together. SHe is my scrappin buddy and loves to help me cook and do things. I have missed her so much while being sick and recovering from one thing after the other this passed year. I feel so bad that I was in bed with her here bored all day. IT doesnt mix well. SHe stayed in trouble. BUT the good thing is she got to spend alot of time with Grandma and she got to spoil her totally rotten. SHe is one of those kids that wants full attention and something to do. we have been goin to play group more since IM not havin to take the medication that makes me sick and not be out and about. I still have to be careful for the next several weeks but dont have to take it anymore so we are sooo happy. it is miserable to feel nauseaus and achey allt he time. I cant remember the last time I felt good that is pretty sad. BUT IT IS GETTING BETTER and IM SO GREATFUL FOR everyones prayers. It got real depressing for a while there. I sometimes think it is worse to feel good and get to do things and become almost a normal human out in society then whamo have another huge flair up and have to be secluded to home and feel crappy all the time and get depressed. IT is truly devastating to the entire family. Nothing is normal anymore everyone has to work harder. It is just not fair sometimes. I hate it worse for my hubby and Bella. BUt Im thankful I have both of them soooo much! This week we have gone To play group and the mall and actually and going again today weather permitting to play with our friends. It is good to be around my pals and so good for bella to get to play.
Speaking of weather I know alot of you are worried because we had so much bad weather yesterday. My phone was ringing off the hook. But my calls kept dropping in and out also. But we are ok. The really bad stuff that killed all the people is North East of us. That was so horrible and I feel so bad for all of those people.Keep them in your prayers.
Hope everyone is safe and survived the storms.
TOnight there is a Celebrity chat at The Chalet with Christy Tomlinson of BHG scrapbooks etc. SO be sure and stop in and hear what great things she has to say about the scrapbooking industry. SHould be so much fun and very informative. ON the front page you will see her photo and the chat room is right under there. Just click on the link and follow the instructions. Hope to see you there.
GOt alot of errands to run today. SO will be out and about with the kiddo. Then home and major scrappin to finish up.
I HAVE a really big publishing gig coming up I cant mention yet but found out about yesterday. 2 actually, 1 is an online e-zine yall will be hearing about very soon and its a BIG DEAL! IM SO EXCITED AND GRATEFUL TO THE OWNER OF THE SITE for picking me. SHE KNOWS WHO SHE IS and you will see some advertising on it soon. My mouth is still on the floor. The other one is rockin cool and Im really excited about especially because of WHICH pages it is that are getting published and where they are being published in the media. More news will come on that because I cant say yet and still working on getting details all worked out with the person and the company. DID I mention I get paid for this HOW COOL IS THAT! SO im praying it turns out well. THis is huge, bigger than anything I have done so far or ever THOUGHT I would be able to do and a DREAM come true.I need to go before I start crying again about it haha! So just keep your fingers crossed for me!Don't wanna jinx it.
toodles hope you have a great friday!!