I KNOW I Know, I have read yalls emails IM sorry I haven't updated. I have once again... I am sure your shocked, been sick with this shingle crapp. Wasn't so much the shingles as it was the medication they had me on for it. It makes me bad bad dizzy and nauseaus. Any thing scrolling or flashing just made it worse so I haven't been online much at all. I took the last dose of it and the shingles SEEM TO BE GONE so hopefully the dizzy and headache/nauseas will wear off soon. My mother in law was down all through Christmas helping us out so much I just am so Grateful for her. SHe was a HUGE help and played with Bella the whole time. I am not sure who enjoyed it more Mom or Bella haha. SHE LOVED getting to spend the time with her since she doesnt get to see her as often.
My brother and his family well some of them. came down. I was so nauseaus and head hurting I think I was a fixture on the couch most of the time. I really did enjoy them I just was so sick I was not very hospitable, They brought Bella an AMAZING dollhouse she has been GLUED TO ever since, I will be taking photos to show you soon. I think they liked their gifts I made them. Christmas wasnt that great this year as far as me making them all stuff, I did them all mini albums and frames. I had to kind throw them together I felt pretty crappy. BUT I did enjoy making them. I am doing my brother a better one soon I HOPE In time for his birthday of His Bronco, HIS PRIDE AND JOY. He has rebuilt it and completely restored it. I have some great photos of it and the trips he goes on with it, SO I HOPE to get that done when Im feeling more human.
My mom is coming down later in the week after new years (my Birthday) man I cannot belive IM gonna be 38. Where did 28 go man! I sure dont feel 38 Ok well today I do last week I felt more like 88 lol.
I will leave you with a couple pics. I havent been very good at taking pictures this Christmas. It is hard to when your ailin' IM JuST SOOO HAPPY this medicine worked and maybe for the new year we can put this behind us and move on as a family. I have so MUCH I want to do and cant and it is MISERABLE. I havent driven my car in I CANT TELL YOU HOW LONG!!! someoen asked about the gas mileage on it and I said it gets GREAT gas mileage if you leave it in the garage and dont go anywhere hahahaa. serious it doenst have but like 5 thousand miles on it!! I GO NOWHERE. HOPEFULLY 2008 will be the turning point. New meds and hopefully this will do the trick. THNAK YOU soooo much for the continued prayers for us! we remain optimistic, IF you know anyone that has shingles and cannot get rid of them.. tell em to email me. I can tell them to tell their dr about this medicine cuz let me tell you we spent a y ear on the WRONG ONE!
OK on with the pics:

here is Bella and her Nana playing games. They had sooo much fun!
Bellas house she got from Uncle Windale and Aunt Karen. She has had a BLAST with this thing. She has arranged and rearranged the furniture and keeps going through the house (OUR HOUSE) looking for tennants for HER HOUSE.. YET she charges them to come look at it hahahahaha!

Blogger is being a pain I will try to upload more later... I didnt get as many pictures as I wanted this year, I am going to take some more before we take the tree down. We still have to do Christmas with my mom so. Maybe I will get a few more up before its over.
Hope you all had a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
BE SURE AND CHECK OUT SCRAP-DINER. SHe is RUNNING HUGE SALES for end of the year. LOTS Of fun stuff coming up also.
tammy sent me here....I see some of your layouts are beautiful...:)
Hope you are feeling better... I've been enjoying your layouts here today, thanks to Tammy. I'm off to check out the Scrap Diner Sale!
I really hate to hear that you were SO sick for the holidays... I'm praying for better health for you in the New Year, as that is also a prayer for myself! It's good your in-laws were there to help :) Mine won't even call if I'm sick! LOL... amazing how my sweet husband is even related to that family! Thanks for the info on your friends blog! Love your Christmas photos...take care of yourself! BTW, I did spend a bunch on the Scrap-Diner sale, so thanks for the heads up! :)
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