Wendy this is just for you John said be sure and show her my hat Santa got me hehehehehe IM sure your cringing right now. I hope yall get to come for a visit soooon!He said he MIGHT not wear it if yall are but he wont make any promises haha.

She was very excited to get lipstick hahahahaha

Dad said he couldnt remember the last time he had gotten a stocking for Christmas. Bella said "You musta been a good boy this year then Papa!!" hahaha

Santa put these in nana, papa, John and my stockings.. no one won anything but it was fun!

Bella had so much fun unwrapping.

She wrote a letter to Santa and Drew him a self portrait haha, HE WROTE her back she was SOOOOO excited he WROTE HER A NOTE!

i am impress with her letter to Santa. Is she 4 years old. Delany turn 4 the past Agt and she just able to write her name. Orayyy for Bella!
Awww.. these pics are so cute Nancy!! Thank you so much for your sweet Christmas wishes on my blog!! So glad I've found your blog this way too!!!! Happy new year to you and your family too!! XOXO Nancy
looks like Bella had the time of her life! The cookies turned out so.......um.... yummy looking. We have some just like that here. :)
Sorry to hear about your friend passing.
I love these cute letters and pictures they draw for Santa....the hard thing is keeping them for scrapping. See.....Santa's supposed to take them with him.....so I have to hide them for saving. I need to just tell him so my scrappin would be so much easier. LOL
I can't believe John was so excited over that ugly hat he got. I would have been so upset to get something with those colors.....looks like Bella really enjoyed her bike..Morgan loves hers just wish it wasn't so cold where she could ride it.
Looks like a fun Christmas for everyone!
what great pics of her... brings back so many "bike" memories from my youth! I have that to look forward to in coming years with my kids...
love the family too... so happy!
Tammy from Track of Light sent me your way. I just love the banner. It just puts a smile on your face. Love your blog and all your work is so inspiring.
Love the pic of Bella getting lipstick! And the "masked scrapper" is too cute:) Many blessings for the New Year.
You took some wonderful pictures and should have a great time scrapbooking them. Bella looks like she is such a little sweetheart.
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