It comes so easy when you put your heart into it.
So I pulled out my August UNKIT along with some of my other FAVORITE products from various kits I have. Some recent kits I have gotten from Scarlet Lime. (LOVE me some Christy! all those embellies in those kits YUM!) And also some Past kits from my Design Team days at Scrapbook Obsessions. (they still have a few kits left that are $10.00 by the way)
I miss them so much. (((chantele and J.R.)))
One thing you are gonna notice on this lil project I am working on. Something I don't always do. There is a HUGEEEE mixture of manufacturers. I say that.. I mean I DO mix them but I usually keep it to a minimum. But, on this one I just went with what ever... I was going for a certain "feeeeling" with this.
Nope, not gonna tell you exactly what I'm doing yet. I WILL TELL YOU there will be 2 of these made. (that there is a hint yall) Because there are 2 different stories that need to be told. That should help hehe... can you guess what I am doing?
so anyway... Here are some sneak photos.

So have you guessed what I'm doin' yet? have any clue?
think you might know?
lemme know.
comeeee on don't beeee shy.
speak upppp!

IT is TOTALLY NOTTTTT what you think.
don't be fooled.
read my post again there is a big hint in there.

Gonna be working on this alllll weekend. (its all rainy) MIGHT just show yall the finished result at the after show on vokle if lord willing. Cam works, and Sudie is up for it.
Hope you all will Bring some projects and share in on your 2 min. Show us what your workin' on! WE WANT TO SEEE your current creations! So much fun. NOT RECORDED. No one cares if you have make up on, we are not haters. we are crafters and all have inky fingers so come play with us and show us what ya workin on!
As you have guessed. My shoulder is feeling much better. THANK YOU LORD FOR CORTISONE SHOTS. It will still smart sometimes when I get to going and realize maybe I shouldn't have moved that way. BUT NNOOTTHHIINNGG (THANK YOU JESUS) like it was!
but for the most part... MURCH BETTA! THANK YOU THANK YOU!
SO IM GONNA get my craft on this weekend. Great therapy great thing to do with Bella. Got a buncha buncha movies.
SO what you gonna be doing'
'So glad that you are feeling better, Nancy!
I am going to be getting crafty, too.
'Hope you have a wonderful weekend,
Renee J.
You have me intrigued Nancy... is it going to be some fabric item?? I love the texture it has so far!
The texture is fantastic!!!
And the colours are so soft and lovely.
Please, tell us what you're up to.
Ooh! Love what I see.
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