Leave it to my mother in lowe I tell you. SHe knows I have had so much happening and My Dr's fussing at me to GET MY STRESS DOWN! Well what does that? SCRAPBOOKING. haha
I had her on this mission. I have been wanting this particular Martha Stewart Punch That I really liked. I had her, My mom, My s.i.l. everyone on the look out. I am unable to get out shopping and I KNOWWW I can order offline but I know they are out and about so thought if they found a good deal grab it... (everyone keeps saying OH we found it here and it was so and so much cheaper than it was online for x amount plus shipping see what I mean?)
SO ANYWAY.. I emailed a photo of said punches its a 2 set and put them on the grand hunt. Well of course because we are in the south THEY HAVE NOT ARRIVED here yet.
not EVEN a tab for them yet here, Everyone is looking for them. Well, MY M.I.L. In the quest for looking for that. DID though find THIS:

SO TO SAY MY HEART ALMOST STOPPPED... ughmmm yeah. This box was FULLL OF STUFF. SHe said well IT WAS ALL ON SALE. and Christmas and your birthday is coming and you have had a rough week and I never know what to get you, I know you like this stuff.
YEAH... omg.
heres more photos:

I think an angel just got her wings in heaven? Did you hear it?
Holy wow I have just been sitting here staring at all of it. Im just in AWE.
I don't know what to do first.
Lets see there's:
3 sets of clear stamps
2 edge border punches
8 decorative punches
5 packs of ribbon
4 packs of chipboard
1 package of chipboard/ sticker assortment
some other miscellaneous leaves and die cut embellies
mini album
OH and IT ALLL smellls like maaaaaa! (HOMEEEEEEEEEE)

And then I cry because I have the BEST MOTHER IN LOVE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. I told her to be sure and put some stickers in there for Bella. SHe had a box in there FULLLL of little stickers for her. HOW SWEET IS THAT!! ANd of course Bella bug will love these punches also! SHe loves to scrapbook with me! SHe was so happy to see the cup cake and the princess crown.

Ya there was ribbon and chipboard and a mini album and all sorts of stuff in there I just am sitting here in awe. YA speechless IF YOU CAN BELIEVE IT!! YA MEEEEE SPEECHLESS! I just am staring at all this I want to touch it and roll around in it.
ITS ALL SOOO BEAUTIFUL. I KNOW yall think Im nuts I KNOW YOU DO. yall just dont understand. Im just in awe.
That she could do something this sweet and this wonderful FOR MEEEEEE! I love this woman so much.
OH AND SHE BEST NOT be gettin' nothing else for Christmas cuz OMG!(I know how she is) I can't think about how much is in this box! OFF to make her something totally incredible!!!

THANK YOU SOOO MUCH MA I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER BEGIN TO KNOW. I hope I can be a wonderful M.I.L and Nana like you some day!!!
Wow your MIL rocks!!! That is awesome!!!
Umm she need my address LMAO .. you lucky girl .. your Mother In Love does ROCK
OMG This is so freaking AWESOME!!!
Your Mother-in-law does rock!!!
Nancy, what a amazing gift! Your MIL rocks!
Enjoy those new goodies!
You Lucky Gal!! Soo much yumminess in that package!
What a wonderful thing for her to do! hugs hugs to you my friend! You deserve it.
WOW!! Your mom in love ROCKS!!! Woo, how sweet. You made out girlie! Can't wait to see what you create with all the wonderful goodies.
What an amazing and sweet gift! And so generous! You and Bella will have a GRAND Martha Stewart time whooping it up!!
I have a Mother-in-Love just like her! She'd give me her right arm if I needed it! How lucky we are my friend!
OH WOW!!!! She rocks!
WOW! you are the luckiest! and I feel a slight shade of green coming on... heheehe
Mainly because you have such a great MIL. I wish I had one that ended in love...
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