I stamped using these little maya road stamps and used prima bling to accent them. Rent those little birds precious?

I ran out of room after I made my big title on this page SOOOO I made a little journaling book on the bottom.

The journaling says:
With your allergies to pet dander it was a flat miracle, us keeping this cat. Your love for this cat is the reason we have kept this cat. You stayed outside with it from the time it showed up until we forced you to come in. When it was introduced to the backyard and your dog Guido, you were so worried. When it discovered squirrels and quickly chased one up this tree and perched itself upon this branch you worried more. It came down eventually with the help of some cat food and a growling tummy. You love this cat so. You love it so much you hug it and squeeze it and love the stew out of it. We wonder if it remembers this spot up in this tree because it might just want to go back there when you keep lovin? on it so much it hurts!
on a more somber note.
I was very saddened to hear that Bella's Teachers mom had passed. She had been fighting cancer for some time. Bella has been praying for her for since school started. I hope Mrs. Brown knows that our hearts and our prayers our with her through this time and with her family. BIG HUGS for her. Bella is working on her a card right now. The glitter and ink are a flyin'
I MIGHT BETTER go check on this I think I just heard something meow and I KNOWWW she didn't bring that cat in this house!!!
So sweet! Sorry to hear about the teacher's mom. :(
Fabulous work Nancy! You created great stuff with that kit!
so sorry about teacher's mom. the kitty lo rocks. lol!
That is just beautiful!!! I need your mojo!
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