She wasn't real happy about it though. She didnt want to leave her mama. I only took a couple of pics because she had a total melt down this morning and it wasn't pretty. I didn't go with daddy to take her to school because I thought it might be a little easier for him to get her into class if I wasn't there. Well, It didn't go so good. So tomorrow I am gonna go too. We will try it that way and see how it goes. Maybe that will be easier. We will go early.
real early. reeeeeeeeeally early and stop and see her last year teacher for a pep talk before hand also. Maybe that will also help. sigh... anyway. I had a good cry after she left. It broke my heart into a kabillion pieces for her to breakdown that way. She has not done this before. She has always been excited about school. She got so spoiled with her last teacher. She is so tenderhearted.
It is almost time to go get her. I am ready. I made a layout (another one) with the August kit from Scrapbook Obsessions. (junebug from Basic Grey) You know how much I love Basic Grey.

I took a picture of her School Supplies laid out I thought it would be neat to have a layout of it so one day she could see what it took to put her in first grade haha. I didn't have an r so I used an f and cut the sides off and just had a really long r lol I thought it worked out anyway.
Ok I need to put on something besides PJ'S so I can go with John to go get my child. I will wait till she is at least in JR High to be THAT MOM that shows up in PJ'S and Hair curlers to Pick her up and yell "HEY SUGAR LUMPS! OVER HERE!! ITS YA MAMA!!!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~UPDATE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~She did alot better after her teacher from last year talked to her and then her new teacher got her in there and they got settled. SHe is awesome and I knew she would be fine after she got settled. She just had to get through the first part of it. She is gonna be a difficult kid dealing with change. I was afraid of this. I tried hard to prevent it. I talked it up alot to try to make it sound fun and this was a great thing. Make it not a big deal just goin back to school like we did last year. It was a bigger deal than we thought. Lesson learned.
This afternoon she was all smiles and happy and even got to bring home Bubba the Bear. She was happy and told us all about her day and is more like the kid I know. I have to go now but I will show photos later.
WOW! You are fast! LOL! The layout is great!!!
LOL I can see you doing that too!!!!!
You wouldn't embarrass her now would ya??? I do it to mine all the time just to see their reaction..hell I'm old, what other fun do I have? hehe I love this layout girly!!!
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