We had a great meal John cooked ham, I cooked green beans, skillet corn, pink eye purple eye peas, rolls and yummy deviled eggs it was all yummy. Carol and Norman drove over from Pensacola it was sooo good to see them. Carol Brought Strawberry shortcake BELLA ATE 3 big bowls of it. (SHE ALSO WANTED IT THIS MORNING FOR BREAKFAST!!) she keeps asking me is it lunch yet mama so she can have some more the kid lovessssssssssssssssss strawberries!

Bella and Norman Played the Wii Did I mention that Bella WHOOPED THE SNOT OUT OF HIM IN BOWLING ::SNICKER:: sorry Norman I think Bellas exact words were I SMOKEEEEDDD HIM!
We won't harrass him too bad about it or his baton twirling..

she had sooooooooo much fun. IT was much better this day since there was more breeze around and john could help her. Yesterday was hysterical watching her run up and down the driveway. (PLUS IT WORE HER LITTLE TAIL OUT AND SHE SLEPT GOOD. THink we are gonna do that some this week on spring break hahahahaa!!!

I LOVEEEEE this picture of Carol and Bella. Has to be my favorite!

She was sitting in her lap taking a rest, Kite flying is hard work ya know ;)

Later we went to Eva Caroline's and hunted Easter eggs. (Bella's very best friend in the whole wide world) Are they not just the sweetest ever)

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter. Today we are just chillin' Bella has spring break this week.
mama is on the phone with the insurance company.....
I have projects due and tonight is shot night. John has to work we had tornados last night so he has some minor things to repair today. I hope everyone is safe and had no damage. WE ARE ALL OK AS you can see :)
I didn't post all the photos because I will be scrapbooking them :) have a great day.
what great photos and so glad you had a wonderful easter. can't wait to see your lo's.
Looks like everyone had a wonderful day. Great photos. I know you'll have a fun time scrapping them too.
Great photos and awesome memories! Bella is so darn cute!
awesome photos.. Hi miss Bella!!!! Happy Easter!!!
Sounds like a perfect Easter celebration! Love all of the pics!
Great photos, thanks for sharing!!! So glad that you had a wonderful Easter! Can't wait to see what you create with all those pics!!!! Happy Tuesday1
looks like you had a wonderful holiday!
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