Brittney Williams.
She had surgery a week ago to have a cyst removed on her ovary and we just discovered it was cancer. SO I am asking that you all please keep her in your prayers. As of right now they think they got it all when they did the surgery and it as all confined to the tumor and that she doesn't have to undergo any kind of extensive radiation or treatments but will be finding more out as she gets more test results back. She is only 18 years old, just is started college got excepted into a sorority and is so excited about so much right now. She is a tough girl but has a strong faith in God. She is very sweet very positive and has such a charming happy outlook.
so if you would just take a minute out of your day to say a prayer for her and her family, her mom is a talented scrapbooker,you can see her blog here I know as a mother that it would totally devastate me to go through this. I would rather it be me than my child. so please so an extra prayer for Jan. I cannot imagine going through knowing your child is having to deal with all this. Knowing Jan the way I do, It is tearing her apart inside so please just put in an extra word for her.
if you check out her blog shout out a word or two for her if ya would. xoxoxox tell her I sent ya. Thank ya so much!
Here is a layout that Jan did of her Beautiful Daughter Brittney.
She used the Scrapbook Obsessions kit for April. I thank you all so much and knew I could depend on you my friends to keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
We have been having some wicked weather. I hope you all are safe and sound tonight.
We are safe. I know you all (family and friends) have been calling and thank you for the concern. Sorry If I havn't called back. I have been in and out for dr appts. and you know the weather and I don't get along so good. So I came home and kinda crashed. So I apologize on that. ((((hugs))))xoxoxoxox
So sorry to hear about your niece...definitely sending prayers up for her.
So sorry to hear about this happening with your niece!!! I will be praying for positive results!!! So glad that you are safe and please take care of yourself!
I said a little prayer girl...
Here's some positive healing energy prayers for your cousin......I threw a couple in there for you too.
Many sincere heart felt thoughts for your friend. May she have the strength to fight, and love she needs to heal.
Sending positive thoughts and a prayer for Brittney... wishing you good health as well.
I will certiantly pray for her - what a beautiful girl
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