Have you ever gotten some papers that you just KNEWWW they were perfect for some photos that you have? Well that is how I felt about these papers from REMINISCE DESIGNS. The tropical feel of them were perfect for these cutie patootie pics of Bella bug. Her nana had gone home to Hawaii to visit her family and brought back all kinda fun goodies for Bella and well all of us. I had been looking for some good tropical papers that werent cheesy that would accent these photos. THESE WERE PERFECT. They have some Hawaii papers IM droooling over too. WOULD BE PERFECT for the rest of the pics that Nana made and the hula girl photos of Bella. SOOO stinkin cute!
I also scrapped this photo I have had for a while, actually since Thanksgiving. Bella was having so much fun showing me how fast she could go down the slide. She kept saying "LOOK MOMMY isn't it amazing?" She was so happy with how fast she could go. She had us all cracking up. What perfect title for this page than You are so AMAZING? (she really is! she amazes me every day) So anyway.. here she is with all her.... ugh... Amazement? Amazingness?

She is all whiney today. I had her slathered down in sunscreen yesterday when she and the crew went to the beach. She still got blistered a little bit on her legs and shoulders. More on her face than anything. Makes me wonder if she washed her face when she brushed her teeth and got the sunscreen off. Remind me next time to triple slather her down. OH and ask John is he is gonna burn on his feet and legs and if he needs sunscreen there too... BWAHAHA yes the nagging wife was right this time. YOU DO NEED SUNSCREEN THERE. (AMAZING isnt it.. hahaha I crack me up!!) OK OK IM out of here to go play babies with Bella and wait for Mr. Sir to get home with Veggies from the Farmers Market. Hope you have a wonderful Monday.
Ouch sounds like someone got a little toasty!!!
Your pages are....welllll...AMAZING to say the least!!! Love the Hawaiian papers!!!
WOO HOO!! LOOK at your gorgeous work my friend! I LOVE them!!!!!!!!!!!
These are AWESOME GIRL!!!!!!
Wow, Nancy...these pages are just beautiful (almost as beautiful as Bella). All kidding aside, I wish I could scrap with you so you can show me a thing or two! Also, on the sun screen issue, one year my hubby and I went on vacation to Bermuda. We rented mopeds and went from one end of the Island to the other stopping at some sites and all the georgeous beaches. I was the only one out of all of us that used sun screan. Everything we stopped I kept reapplying. Guess what? I was the only one that got burnt! Go figure!
Great pages full of summer sunshine.
oooooooooooooo you rocked those papers. yum!!!!!
Spectacular layouts, the papers that you chose work great with the darling pictures of Bella.
Nancy with a Jones...they are gorgeous layouts babe!!! Beautiful!!
Oh, I just LOVE all of these!!!!
Hope you are having a good week!!
gorgeous layouts :)
Hey girl... I haven't visited in a bit - it's great to see your beautiful work again!
poor Bella.
The beach can be extra intense....the trick for us is to apply it BEFORE any clothing, that way you get all those forgotten spots. I've used sunscreen wipes for Lu's face. Much easier to put on.
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