We have pretty much everything ready just in case.
Generator.. check
Gas for Generator... check
food... Check
water... Check
Gas in car to get the heck out of here CHECK CHECK!
I WILL NOT sit through another Katrina in Mobile I will tell you that!
I have never been so scared in all my life. That was the closest I have ever felt that we truly were going to die. They talk about your life flashing before your eyes well.. mine replayed over and over and over. SCARIEST MOMENTS EVER!
So anyway we will be better prepared and You betcha I will haul my butt and Bella bug and Guido out of here and John too if he wants to come, out of here if they say one if comin!
So, anyway I don't think my sister in law is gonna bring my child back.
She said Oh we are having so much fun, she keeps avoiding the question of when she is coming home... It will wear off just wait.
She thinks tomorrow she will bring her back. We will see.
I did another scrapbook page. This one is REALLY Funny. Bella got all this Hannah Montana stuff for her Birthday. She was all duded up in it too, boy and gettin down on her guitar. (SHE LOVES THAT THING) She now says "Oh thats my jam" whenever a Hannah Montana song or Jonas Brothers song comes on. TOTALLY CRACKS ME UP. she is so grown in her little 5 year old body.
I used the Love Elsie, Claire line from TREASURES TO SCRAP to do this page. It was just too perfect not to.
I did get some circle Journals done too. WHEHEW!! I know the girls that are in the little group with me are sure happy about that. I have been holdin' up progress. Sorry ladies. Been havin' some issues but we are about to get straightened out to where I can do more now.
I actually have gotten ALOT done while Bella bug has been visiting Aunt Liz.
I have scrapped 5 pages and 2 circle Journals and made this binder that I found at Hobby lobby into a 4k notebook to hold the monsoon of papers she brought home from school. (GOD FORBID I think of throwing any of them away she spazzes out)
so I would say that is rather productive dont you? ::your shaking your head yes aren't you!::
Scrapbook Obsessions June kit came out yesterday and HOLLLLYYYY SCHHMOOOKES. GORGEOUS. GCD is the paper this month. Gorgeous red whites and blues to get your patriotic scrappin goin'
Be sure and check it out. You can look at the add ons here but I don't think there will be any left to order. These ladies stalk the boards till she puts them up then swoop in like a hawk and scoop them up. Won't even be a indention where they were sittin' left on the table! YOU have to get up MIGHTY early to out get these chicks!
They are so much fun and talent overflowing.
Having MS hugs today so dunno how much I will be around.
Oh My Gosh Nancy!!! That is too damn funny!!! I love this page!!!! Bella be rockin'
bella is getting her jam on girl!! ya think she will let me borrow that wig? tell her i need it for my birfday party!!
That is such a FUN layout!! Love it!!
And i think that is so sweet that your SIL is having so much fun with Bella. I say, enjoy the time to yourself.
Hope you have a great evening!
ooooooooooo jammin. love that!! very cool lo. and OH they do the same about storms in fl. sigh.
I like your layout, Delany b-day party was from hannah montana as well she is so into that. Regarding hurrican season I used to live in Biloxi and the morning before katrina hit we got out of the town, I am so scared of this kind of natural desasters.
Good luck and fantastic that you are ready for it.
Girl you are soooooooooooooooo stinking good- I love looking at all your layout!! This one is to cute!!. I totally know what you man about the storms. It's tornado season here and we've already had one touch down and it's just started. One took out my fil's backyard 2 years ago. It's a freaky feeling and Hurricanes are like a zillion times worst- big hugs and HOLD ON TIGHT!!
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