THis has to be one of my favorite photos from last year. I scrapped this page in no time flat. The photo just inspired me so much. That is how I scrap though.. from my heart. It's not just about the paper and glue, although we love that too. IT is about the memory and the moment that is standing still in that photo. I don't remember alot from last Christmas. The last 2 years actually I have had battles with these shingles and kidneys. SO far after finding the correct medication... I THINK this year may be better. I hope so anyway. I look at Bella's eyes in this photo and it just says everything about Christmas to me. The magical look ina little girls face. The excitement of the lights and the beautiful decorations, the love she has for her family and friends, the anxiousness to open those gifts. ALl of it right there in that little girls face. THAT is what Keeps me going. It is all about the little ones for me. I love watching them when they get to decorate cookies or go to a Christmas parade. I really cant wait till tomorrow morning when she sees the things Santa brought her. Tonight we will read The Christmas Story and go over again the TRUE reason we celebrate Christmas. We hope you have a very blessed Christmas. May you BELIEVE not only with your eyes but with your heart the TRUE meaning of CHRISTMAS.
The Jones Family
For unto us this day is born a savior Christ The Lord.
oh nancy, What a beautiful post and a fantastic layout, as you said bela eyes said it all.
Merry Christmas to you and your family, and I do BELIEVE.
So an AWESOME layout and love your post. Merry Christmas to you and your family too!!! I am so glad that you are going to get to enjoy this one.
Beautiful entry Nancy. Merry Christmas and God bless you and your family.
Nancy -- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family! Jesus is the true reason for the season, and your blog is an inspiration to many of us. Thanks for creating it and all of the special entries you post. May God give you happiness and health in 2008!
(NC Scrap Addict)
ooooooooooooooooooo beautiful lo, picture and sentiments. i pray that this year w/be YOUR miracle. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. You rockin the s/b!!!! loooooooooooooooove it!
What a stunning photo, Nancy, and a beautiful layout. Merry Christmas!
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