OK sorry I havn't posted. We all have looked like a nyquil commercial in the making around here.. coughing, sneezy, stuffy head, fever so I CAN WHINE AND COMPLAIN yeah that is all of us.. we are in competition to see who is the most pitiful... I won yesterday by default but have company today soooooo, today John is kickin my tail! Bella is oblivious. HOW can kids feel crummy, run fever and still hang from a ceiling fan in such perfect form is Beyond me and John and I just stare at each other like .. she will fall in a minute.. stick a pillow under her or something.. cuz I have no energy to get her down maybe it will just wear her out or something.... its like benadryl is kid crack...whats up with that anyway.. but it is the only thing that dries up her yuck nose. OH well.
WE HAVE to get over this quick we are supposed to go to the playgroup day on Tuesday and it will be so much fun I WANNA GOOO! So we are focused and are soakin up healing vibes! SEE this is what happens when I go to wal mart!!!!
SO who has just a bunch of paper and stuff YOU JUST HAD TO HAVE it was the greatest thing ever and well errr you still havn't used it yet? :: im raising my hand high:: well just cuz of this we started the "use up your stash challenge" at Scrap that moment. We are using up some of the stuff we have so we can buy more! Sounds logical to me! John told me I had to have a big old dent in this stuff I have in here so I can get the new stuff that I am dying to get.. NO fun is he. DOESN'T HE KNOW that is all part of it! ::SIGH::

SOOoooo We are using up some of our older lines ... keep in mind it is still gorgeous stuff just not the NEWEST fresh on the market. SO WHO wants to try this with us? You never know You just may win a rak for your participation! The rak monster shows up in the craziest places around here!
Here is on of the pages I did for this challenge and IT GOT PUB'D! (www.scrappintrends.com) in their e zine, so see it doesn't have to be the newest paper to get pub'd people! This paper isn't THAT old but it isn't the newest either. I love the colors in it, and it was perfect for these photos.
SO if you wanna see how we are using up our stash... click on the SCRAP THAT MOMENT USE YOUR STASH CHALLENGE.
That is about all that is going on here on this Saturday. Using up our stashes and posting in the gallery and uploading in the forums and wiping runny noses. GEE aint it grand :)
I did a layout today using my stash!!! Whoohooo! The first of many I hope! I am SUCH a paper hoarder! Hope you are feeling better soon...
Hello Nancy!
How's the nyquil? Love the LO!
Hi Ya Nancy
I hope you all get better real soon.
How cute is that layout..looks just fab.
Have a great day
I love this challenge! Although It is hard for me, I love the idea and I will try really hard today :):):)
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