Monday, June 19, 2006

Teaching at gasc..... blowfish??? ahhhhh!

OK so I look at these photos and think EWWW! I hate PREDNISONE. I have blown up so bad like a puffer fish. Thank God Im not on them anymore so ANY DAY now it is gonna come off.. any minute... any second now. waiting....... NOT SO patiently. ANyway... these are the pics from teaching the classes at Great American. This is just one of the classes I instructed. IT was fun. The classes well, this one was not as full I think it was 19 people, or 22 I can't remember now but the smallest was 9 for the mini pages the first day. But the big one was 34. I was screamin cuz we had no volunteers and this sweet lady whom I cannot remember her name to save me, helped me out, I was about to lose it. It was a hard class to teach on top of that and we had just got the stuff in the night before so I had no clue what I was suposed to be doing and some of my supplies were missing and NO SLEEP. (blah blah blah blah blah) BUT I made it through, it is over, No one was injured in the process (cuz i was too darn tired) and I aint doin it again so whewww. That was the most work for no pay I ever did. Mark that under LESSONS LEARNED.


motobarbie said...

Wow, sounds like quite a day. I know all too well about steroids and weight gain, I am right there with ya, counting the days, hours and minutes it is GONE!

Susie said...

I also due to my moderately severe asthma know all about that terrible prednisone!!! You want to scream, cry, eat,sleep but can't sleep! YUCK! sorry it was not what you expected!!!