I know alot of you have already read this post on the site.. but to my family and FRIENDS and the ones that didnt know about the FUN WE HAD today. (Im rolling my eyes) get ready for what seemed like an I love lucy episode gone wrong. that went on... forever ... EVERYONE IS OK.. NO animals or that many kids were injured (haha( while this story took place . Hubby and I are speaking and laughing about this now. SeE he was so sweet yesterday. THe lord knew today would happen... He gave him a "one up" so I would be able to laugh about this so soon after.... Bella and I had a pretty good day.. we were rockin along, I have been cleaning house and dragging her OUT OF everything she is getting into. You know, normal Bella stuff for her. We played go fish and barbies, scrapbooked and etc. I was just off the phone with the insurance co for the SECOND time of being on neverending hold, just plugged my phone in for the battery to charge so it woudln't go dead. I go and Im cleaning the kitchen washing dishes loading the dishwasher getting ready to cook supper. When I hear... SCREAMSSSSSSSSSSSS. Im going what the... Its bella. its the: OMG!!!! IM GONNA DIE! IM IN PAIN THE world is falling on my head scream. Im thinking, while running, OH great what did she break. She was screaming. I look at her, no blood, she isnt on fire.she didnt pee her pants ... I get on my knees "what baby? what is it? I dont see anything?" no glass. no fires. no anything toppled over she finally gets out in that snuffuded cry and talk at the same time voice.. "I TUCK A BEAD up my NOSE." My first reaction"why in the world did you..." but then IM thinking YOU WHAT? THEN.....OH grrreat. (The bead is one of those if you are familiar with them "pony beads" as my mother calls them) So I SAY "Let mommy see. which side?" SO I see it. It's up there man, I feel. It is right at. where the bone part starts, above the cartlidge part, way up *(you just felt your nose didnt you hehe. I did too) anyway on the right side. I said "is it on both sides?" she says "NO MOOMMY JUST ONE." Ok I look and yeah just one. I tried the, hold the other side and get her to blow.. and nothing .I tried the tweezers" OH NO she wouldnt be part of that... adn me with a sharp pointy instrument pointed at my kids face and eyeballs and nose while she is screaming kicking and squirming AINT A GOOD COMBO... SO I call My husband. He is stammering with " errr ughmms" I siad "OK! RIGHT NOW. YOUR NOOO HELP" I was getting angry cuz he was like NO DONT take her to the dr yet.. Im like W T HECK? YESSS I AM!!!!!... what Im supposed to JUST LEAVE IT? UGHM NO!!!!!!!! (he was on his way home from florida by the way and Im having a flash back from when he got roast in his throat caught and he refused for 5 hours to go to the ER and we had ot sit with the LOVELY Night crew in the ER for HOW MANY HOURS?????) * IN HIS DEFENSE NO HE wasnt meaning to just leave it. He was thinking try to get it out other ways, before spending a million dollars at the dr for them to get it out.. but she was screaming, I was stressed and she wouldnt let me touch it or her so the best thing in my opinion to do was go in... but anyway) I say OH HECK NO well that aint what I siad but... UGHMM NO IM going NOW to DR OFFICE WHILE OPEN! SO I say YOU ARE NO HELP I NEED SOMEONE WITH A M.D. BY THEIR NAME. I gotta go. bye. So I call my dr office. They(amazingly) put me right through.. something about when you say, kid bead and up nose all togehter...THEY rush you through to the nurse. So ... she says... can she breathe? I stop and look at the phone .. Im thinking ughmmm? I wouldnt be on the phone with YOU now ID BE ON MY WAY TO ER or with 911 if that the case.. but instead I say "yes and that I have tried the normal routine to get it out and it is
IN there.way up in there.. so she said "COME ON IN NOW before the dr goes home..." GREAT. So I change bellas clothes OK SO SUE ME She had on more pj's and stuff. We are still working the potty training!! I look OH GOD like heck with 2 hockey sticks.. I had been cleaning everything BUT ME... so I throw on more clothes I attempt to brush my hair and I m like OH well Ill just have to go. give up . so we zoom on (and I get to the car.. HUBBY HAD NOT put the car seat BACK TOGETHER IN THE CAR... ITS POURING RAIN. IM fuming mad IM so angry .... ( yeah I know he just forgot but at the time, I was really really mad cuz I asked him to put it back in there several times and he forgot THAT IS WHY I TELL YOU SO MANY TIMES DEAR CUZ YOU FORGET!!!) so anyway.... I had to run the pad through the straps and put it all back together...(we are still potty training so you do the math we had to wash it) THAT WAS FUN TRYING TO FIGURE THAT OUT.....and do that while its raining and kid screaming, cuz its raining and it is cold and the situation just SUX! I get it back INTO the back seat, stick my knee in it set forward with my weight and OMG no. not now, please, no.. KNEE feels like it is dislocating. it really ISNT dislocating but feels like it when IT starts to pop... so Im holding my breath put the blet loop through the back. Im crying in pain and anger Bella is screaming (we are in the garage,!! she isnt getting wet. I dont know why she was crying. cuz it was raining? probly ....just dramatic overture to the entire
freakin situation!!!!. SO ,s he stops. Dead in her tracks, Looks at me and says angelically "MOMMY WHY YOU CWYIN. I SOwwy i TUCK A BEAD UP MY NOSE." "OMGOSH BABY, NO ITS NOT THAT, IT'S OK, JUST, COME ON. GET IN. SO I SUCK IT UP try to pop my leg back, get her in the *&^%$# car and in the *&^% seat. Off we go... get to the dr office.
By this time, she is fine. cuz, well IT doesnt hurt. It is just in there. I tell the nurse. "THis is Isabella, with the bead in her nose... and they say "AHH ok go this way" ( I tell the nurse "BY THE WAY, I have had shingles and just now getting over it I need to be.... and she finished the sentence "AWAY FROM BABIES AND PREGNANT WOMEN!!!!"" with the look of horror on her face. I siad "look, it was an emergency! I HAD to come, she siads "OH I KNOW, its ok. I just feel bad, for you. (I guess my face is purple it is so red from the fact IM in pain and just sooo angry and just well .......
stressed) so we go to triage, e.r. in the back. Away from babies and pregos. So bella is telling all the nurses "I HAVE A BEAD IN MY NOSE "and she says "hey whats wrong with that little girl? does she have beads in her nose" I say "NO HONEY, JUST YOU!" Of course they all think it is hysterical but for me the novelty has WAYYYYYYY worn off at this point. The nurse comes in and looks at it says "yeah we can get it blah blah whatever" we are talking she said "OH ok they wrote on here you have ....shingles" I siad "NO, I HAD, them. Am getting over them,about 4 days so far. she looks at my ear and said "this one is still open you realise?" I am like "yeah, I know" she said "ok put a band aid on it while you are here"... I am thinking ....that makes it all better? so no one will get it or something?. Just stick a band aid on it? .. wonder if the bead will fall out of her nose if I put a bandaid Over her nose like a pore strip or one of them YOU SNORE TOO LOUD things...
So anyway the dr comes in (snickering) they take the loopy thing and get the bead out.. (we are HOLDING HER DOWN KICKING AND SCREAMING)
THEN Bella stops crying, looks
up at the dr and says" CAN I HAVE THAT BACK PLEASE?" and we bust out laughing cuz it was so matter of fact. she takes it from him and Im going EWW lets wash it....... and YOUR HANDS.. I wrap it in a towel and she announces to the NURSE the dr and the rest of the dr office "MY MOMMY IS GONNA PUT THIS IN A SCRAP BOOK FOR TO GIVE TO ME" (they learn quick you save EVERYTHING for the scrapbook huh?) so Yeah we will "scrap that moment"
NOW after I got home, I finished washing dishes. STARED NAILS through my husband for a little bit, informed him he is cooking dinner.. Ok asked him to please cook the spaghetti!!! IM hiding in my scrap room getting stuff done catching up on posts, and gonna wait for American Idol. AND I might just go drink something alcholic, but IF HE DARE SPEAK right now OR BELLA mention a BEAD.... I will leave him alone. but with her, tomorrow tooo! SO IM in my room now, (My cave as he calls it) Drinking a glass of lemonade (no alcohol though .. I really can't because of this medication. but dang, it would be nice rofl)
SO, HOW wAS YOUR DAY????????
IM SURE that your kid or neighbors kid or SOEMONE you knows kid has stuck a something up their nose (rubber snake even? yeah just ask my sister in law about that one roflmbo) The nurse said once a week at LEAST they pull stuff out of a kids nose or ear or whatever. (i dont wanna know any wahtevers) I feel bad cuz I KNOW my mother is gonna SPAZZ totally out because she gave bella the beads. Then she is gonna say WERE YOU WATCHING HER.. but you know we sit and STARE AT HER in a BUBBLE all day 24 hours a day.. SHE IS NOT a mischivious kid that GETS INTO EVERYTHING (moma knows this for fact now she kept her 7 days for me while I was unconscious with shingles WHICH UNCONSCIOUS almost sounded like a good option there while it was happning...) BUT anyway... Ma I have already thought of all those reactions... for you, so go ahead... I REST WELL RIGHT NOW.. KNOWING IM dangling mY MOTHERLY WAND that I got when I gave birth to her over her little NO BEAD in nose having head, Granting her the magical power to have NOT ONE but 2 JUST LIKE HER so she will get blessed with a challenge as of such I had today. I LOVE YOU BABY and when your little one some day sticks I dunno AN ELEPHANT up its nose and you are freaking completly out as your ROBOT probably LAZER BEAMS it out (cuz that is how in my idea of the future it will probably work) YOU will sit back and grin as YOUUUUUUU stare darts through Your husband (yes you will have one of them BEFORE YOU have a child since I waved this wand) PLEASE! YOU will remember YOUR MOM put the curse on YOU like My father did onto me... THIS second, I do LOVE YA...