Monday, July 31, 2006
On the homefront I have held my bed down all day today I still feel burning in my arms from the meds they gave me. Every time I get up hubby shoves another pill in my mouth and says go back to bed. GEE aint he sweet lol WEll the dr said more rest the better and the less active I am maybe it will stop the bleeding. IM so ready to get this over with but every time I look up they keep saying OH we have to do this and this im like OK ALREADY hook up the hoover grab your exacto and lets do this! NO time like the present. I mean geez! Im ready to do it myself people!!! I want to scrap I want to feel better so lets get on with this. I have so many t hings waiting to get done until after this so Im just anxious Oh yeah did I mention patience is not one of my great attributes? ::sigh::
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Hi Nancy,We are actually interested in the tray for next year’s issue of Somerset Home. Since we have a few months, did you want to create one especially for the issue?Best regards,Rebecca Ittner
Well I was like HECK YEAH! SOOO I think IM just going to send this one to them after I am done with all the current stuff and then send it to them. THEN if I want to do them as Christmas gifts I can make another one. Sooo I am excited again. We emailed back and forth she wants one identicle to this one I said no problem how many ya need!
SO anyway I got all my deadlines done for Scrappy chic magazine. I did an extra one this time after my friend Jeanne ::waving HI JEANNE:: so inpired me by her friend Carole's blog OMGawesh this chic is amazing! So then I go and see what Jeanne did (see her blog its called crossroads under my links) and I was like hmm I wanna try that. SO I did one too. I cant show you yet I have to wait to see if Scrappy chick picks it up. IF SO then you can see it there if not I will post it. She has some amazing submissions so I doubt mine will get picked. My husband wasnt crazy about it. He said he didnt get the entire concept of the 3 dimensional. He was in a crabby mood today so I dunno if he REALLY didnt like it or was just being crabby. Regardless he later said He could tell I put alot of work into it and I did good he thought... he just didn't care for that was too something he just didnt know what... I tried to explain to him about trends and style and well anyway sometimes You just dont like it. No biggie.
OK so I have a new respect for people that do all that cutting out I could hardly bend my fingers this morning lol
I am ready to get on my projects for AUgust. IT will be a rough month for me with the surgery and all so I want to get them done and over just in case. I have rotation for the view on Untamed this time as well so I have articles to write and pages to finish for them. I have alot to do on that. I have been so busy with getting these done I havnt done much other but it is over. Im trying to get everything in order so when I do the surgery things will run smooth (great theory huh hahaha) Hard to do when you feel crappy. I laid on the heating pad most of today. I did watch flightplan tonight Omgawesh thatwas a freaky movie I was like GO JODIE slam him! I normally dont watch those kinds of movies. But it was good. I will leave Bella home if I ever fly! I wanna go to church in the morning but still running temp. I almost cried. IM SO SICK OF THIS HOUSE!!!! John said he would drive me down to the beach to look if I wanted. I just stared at him. He knows Im miserable. I feel like a fat slob right now and look like the michelon man on steroids. I need a hair cut and I cant fit into my clothes. MISERABLE. BUT THis too shall pass (I keep saying that) Well that is all she wrote for today. Bella has been so cute on the computer. She calls it the BIG POOTER. She did sing 5 little monkeys today for Jeanne. and some other song I have no clue what she was jabbering. She gets her own language going. Anyway take care and rest well tomorrow hug your family and tell em ya love em. I sure love mine!
Friday, July 28, 2006
Creating a geek

It was bound to happen. We are a internet connected family. We have family all over these here united states and we knew it was coming sooner or later. We would welcome our mini member of the geek squad. Well It is official. She heard YOU'VE got mail and she was so excited. Her favorite thing to do is go to playhouse disney and play the games. We constantly hear NO BEDDA DUDE IT! she wants us to show her NOTHING she does everthing my by self. we have officially created a geek!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
WELL who woulda ever thunk it!
I know I have alot coming up though health wise but man I can sit in bed with the lap top and post away. There is so much more to being ona design team than posting layouts. It is chatting with others. Making people feel welcomed and comfortable somewhere they can hang out find a friend to scrap with. I bet there are lots of scrappers out there like me that suffer from ailments that don't getout and scrap that often at crops etc and they LOVE the online life of being able to interact at will with other scrappers! I LOVE it and I can scrap in my pj's and not worry about my hair rofl! I mean my gosh nat'l sb day I scrapped from bed with shingles ROFL... (can you say I LOOKED LIKE QUASSIMOTTO FROM HUNCHBACK!) Now that is a true scrapbooker my friend!!!
Meanwhile. I HAVE a HUGE to do list tomorrow. I MUST go to hobby lobby I have like a tiny tiny bit of adhesive left and it is getting serious (the fact they have a 40% off coupon helps loads too haha esp with John keeping me on the we aint got no money diet I mean budget
lemme see your WHUUUUUUUAHHHT?
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Finishing up my projects for Scrappychic magazine ( hopefully mine will get picked (I hope so Im driving myself to the brink of insanity over them) so we will see. You should go check em out they have a BEAUTIFUL top notch site going on. Im honored to be a designer for them. OK I gotta go cook Bella some "chick Al aye" (she calls all chicken nuggets chick fil a) and PRAY TO GOD she takes a nap cuz I sure need one. MUUUAAAAHHH and OH by the way. HUGE shout out to jeanne today HOPE your feeling better my friend and your jaws arent hurting. just bite the bullet and get it done.. You will feel better in the long run I KNOW it stinks right now but hey you can call me we can cry together rofl!
Monday, July 24, 2006
Miss susie Q tagged me again!
:1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?How would I know? Im asleep...
2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?YUP
3. Have you ever 'done it' in a hotel room? well yeah duhhh.
4. Have you ever stolen a street sign before?NO but been in the car with someone that did.
5. Do you like to use post-it notes?Yep sure do
6. Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?Sometimes
7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?Neither
9. Do you always smile for pictures?depends (hey what happned to number 8 isnt this 99 questions now?)
10. What is your biggest pet peeve?ughm questionaires, no im kidding! snarky people and mean people
11. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?Out hubby has big feet.
12. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?depends
13. Have you ever peed in the woods?Yup
14. Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing?Yes, don't you hear my neighbors laughing
15. Do you chew your pens and pencils?NO
16. How many times have you scrapbooked this week?3 to 4 times
17. Do you like popcorn from those big tins?No it is always stale and gross
18. What is your "Song of the week"? Little rabbit fu fu.. bella is stuck on that one (now i cant get it out of my dadgum head.)
19. Is it okay for guys to wear pink?depends on the guy2
0. Do you still watch cartoons?Yes
21. Whats your favorite scary movie?none they are all dumb
22. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?why would I tell you that? You would just come get it and it wouldnt be hidden anymore you think Im stupid or what? (don't answer that)
23. What do you drink with dinner?Usuallysweet Tea until dr said I cant have it so water
24. What do you dip a chicken nugget in?honey mustard
25. What is your favorite food?Tijuana flats
!26. What movies could you watch over and over and still love?Baby Boom, men in black, one crazy summer
27. Last person you kissed/kissed youMyhubby
28. Were you ever a boy/girl scout?yes
29. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?NOT on purpose but then again why would they ask unles it was one of those magazines saying YOU KNOW YOU NEED PLASTIC SURGERY AND DIET WHEN:
30. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?this morning to my hubby to pick up something at store
31. Can you change the oil on a car?why would you change oil on a car dont you need to be under it?
32. Ever gotten a speeding ticket?Yes
33. Ran out of gas?No
34. Favorite kind of sandwich?tomatoe and bacon
35. Best thing to eat for breakfast?waffles
36. What is your usual bedtime?when i get sleepy
37. Are you lazy?NOT ussually unless I feel bad
38. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for halloween?sure did
40. How many languages can you speak? does interpreting my daughter count? ok 1
41. Do you have any magazine subscriptions?yep
42.Which are better legos or lincoln logs?Leggos
43. Are you stubborn?I refuse to answer and YOU cant make meeee!
44. Who is better...Leno or Letterman?Leno
45. Ever watch soap operas?not on purpose
46. Afraid of heights?Yes
47.When do you sing in the car?All the time
48. Dance in the shower?you think I wanna die? Id bust something
49. Dance in the car?Now how in the ..... I aint even gonna ask
50. Ever used a gun?Yes
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?June
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?mostly
53. Is christmas stressful?Yes but It should not be5
4. Ever eat a pierogie?a what?
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? blackberry
56. Occupations you wanted to be as a child? a fireman, a country music singer, charlies angels, daisy on the dukes of hazard
57. Do you believe in ghosts?No
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?yeah
59. Take a vitamin daily?sometimes
60. Wear slippers?not ussually
61. Wear a bath robe?sometimes
62. What do you wear to bed?PJ's
63. First concert?Charly Mclain
64. Wal-Mart, Target, or K-Mart?Target/walmart
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?cheetos
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?both
68. Ever hear of, "gorp"?No
69. Ever take dance lessons?yup
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?what happened to my current one?????????
71. Can you curl your tongue?yes
72. Ever won a spelling bee?no (ROFL as if you had to ask)
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?yes
74. Own any record albums?Yes
75. Own a record player?Yes
76. Regularly burn incense?No
77. What is your favorite movie?Mcclintock with John wayne
78. Who would you like to see in concert? George strait
79. What was your last concert you saw?George strait
80. Hot tea or cold tea?cold
81.Tea or coffee?Either
82.Favorite kind of cookie?chocloate chip or sugar
83.Can you swim well?Yes
84. Can you hold your breath w/o manually holding your nose?yes
85. Are you patient?Sometimes
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?Neither, it was a piano player
87.Ever won a contest?Yes
88. Ever have plastic surgery?yes (went through a windshiled at 6 months old face first (yeah youw ould think i would look better than this after that many plastic surgerys)
89. Which are better black or green olives?depends on what it is on
90.Can you knit or crochet?nope
91. Best room for a fireplace?livin room
92. DO you want to get married?I already am
93. If married, how long have you been married?8 years
94. Who was your HS crush? Johnny Harrell (I look back now and go ewwww)
95. Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?No but I would like too
96. Do you have kids?Yes
97. Do you want kids?No cant have any more
98. Whats your favorite color?Green right now
99. Do you miss anyone right now?Yes my friends my mama and my brother
100. Who do you wanna see right now?Nobody Im in my nightgown with no make up..
and I still say there are only 99 questions lol
That was fun. NOW yall do it!!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
When in doubt... wear a life perserver



Have you ever seen that cartoon Garfield and friends. There is a duck on there that always runs around with an intertube on screaming that the sky is falling. Well this was bella today... Minus the sky falling part. Daddy told her she could go swimming IF she would take her nap... she never took her nap. THe picture of her looking out the window was like 8 pm tonight she still had hopes of swimming. NOT! Besides the fact her pool is less than 2 foot deep but she needed the zoe swim float regardless. I had to take these pictures they so reminded me of that character (I cannot remember his name to save me right now) on Garfield. This so cracked me up with the tinkerbell costume. then the NRA t shirt WHICH is her favorite (good lord) by the way that her papa D got her BEFORE SHE WAS BORN mind you. Another day of fun summer time gone.
On another note: My mother has her eye surgery Tuesday so please remember her in your prayers. Also remember Mrs. Moore with her cancer she is still having problems. I also am having lots of female problems (can hardly wear shorts or anything around my waist it hurts... sorry to complain but, Got a call in to dr office they said it was the tumor not alot we can do until we have the surgery... so anyway I hope tomorrow is pain free for everyone.
Ps: Was the ducks name Roy?
Saturday, July 22, 2006
fun fun fun

TOday is our Christmas in July Crop at WWW.THEUNTAMEDSCRAPPER.COM We are having a blast. I have been in and out having some small issues with female problems. So far I have gotten one page made. This is one of my favorite photos of Bella. Not a great picture I know but the bling I added to the 3 and the flowers needs to dry so I can scan it so I just took a quick photo. I will update you with a better scan of it later. Just a simple fun page to get my mo jo flowing. Bella has her best friend "eeya cawowine" (Eva caroli'ne) over today playing. ALl I hear is them up and downt he hallways giggling. It is the best sound. Ok back to scrapping. we have lots of prizes to give away so you ought to stop by.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Play area or No play area that is the question
I think I could plant a garden with the stuff that came out of the carpet. IM SICK OF all the mess in here and IM PURGING and cleaning. I have to get this done before the surgery. I was going to make Bella a play area in here but ya know.. Im wondering if that is such a good idea. SHe keeps getting into EVERYTHING and strows more stuff for me to clean up. I found so many glitter packs and glue and stuff I know she is 3 she has to learn but I cant get projects done when she is plundering. SO what do you do to keep the kiddos occupied so you can get your scheduled projects finished?
Thursday, July 20, 2006
"insert picture of person pulling hair out here~~~>"
Her version: "Mommayeeeeee!!!!!, miltfate jump to all oberBelda!" translation: Mommy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! milkshake jumped all over Bella"
My Version: She squeezed her milkshake cup and it exploded No other word to explain it.
It was chocolate. This lady looked at me like I squished it out of her! she was like OH MY GOSH and took off the other way. I wanted to say " WHAT you havent seen a kid explode before? " So needless to say.. I had brought extra big girl panties just in case and a pair of shorts but not a shirt and socks and shoes.... so i had to buy her another shirt (she is so smart I wanna try this to get new clothes... wouldnt work John would make me wear them) and socks... I wiped off the shoes NICE TRY BELLA. WE all know your a shoe hog honey!
So we get out of Wal mart. Get to target... Yeah we have gift cards again.. Its confusing I know but John gets gift cards instead of bonus checks It is good SOMETIMES but we dont get gift cards to but certain places and wal mart ISNT on the list grrrr and some things Oh and I was gonna run by the lss cuz I have a ton of stuff to drop off but It was raining like crazy. Bella was SCREAMING cuz it was raining. I thought to myself YA KNOW if I had ANY food at my house I would just go home. BUT no... WE continue on our journey the great hunt for food. Get in target. What does she do.... DUMPS an entire display of deoderant stuff like female deoderant spray. I was like GREAT thanks. She said "Bella WAS JUST FIXING IT MOMMY" I thought Yeahhhh you fixed it alright. The lady just smiled at me KNOWING she wanted to hurl something at us. BUT I MADE Bella help her pick it up. I think that annoyed the lady but I wanted this to be a learning experience. Yes MEAN mommy for making her pick it up. BUT IM so tired of her doing this. We get our groceries I look Bella has an OPENED capri sun lemonade in her hand sipping away. Im thinking... Ok I know Im tired but did I give her that. I look in the buggy and there is a box of them... opened. WHILE I was on my hands and knees trying to get the LAST jug of white cranberry/apple juice off the bottom shelf in the VERY VERY VERY back. I had pushed the buggy all the way on the isle over so this dude could get by. I guess she proceeded to partake at that point... HOW I Missed the opened box though i was like OK I guess we are getting that. I WAS ACTUALLY thanking GOD that it was a new one and she hadnt stolen it from some kid or taken if God forbid Out of the garbage you know how people just set stuff down. UGHHh the horror. SO we talked about how that was a bad thing and not to do that blah blah blah.... Well she had a perfect potty day for a few days straight so I promised her we would get her some special paint. (color wonder the kind that doesnt mess up everything on earth when she uses it) and she remembers this of course. I JUST KNEW she would throw a fit for the cinderella one but I told her ONLY ONE you can choose ONE. She picked the most sensible set. The one that had the markers the paints and three books in it. I was like ROCKIN! There is a brain in there. I asked her why she chose this one she said" well mommmy bella see tindewelda on dat one but no cudors and dis one wight heyah has cudors in it" I was like oh ok. seems logical enough to me. WE GET HOME. Johns had gotten a grill for fathers day from his parents and he picked it up today and was putting it together. (layout to come on that) the thing said ASSEMBLY TIME 15 MINUTES..... 3 hours later I asked him HOWZ THIS WORKIN FOR YOU..has it been 15 minutes yet ? he growled at me. I guess he didnt see the humor in it. SO I took Bella back inside (to save her life) Bella said mommy? Daddy not in a dood MOOD is he? I said No baby daddy is trying to put things together we never talk to daddy when he is doing that. SHe said just like she knew what I was meaning "OH!" like HOW could I forget that! They called from the dr office to set up my surgery seems that the insurance company doesn't want it to be at one hospital so they may ahve to do it at another? (that so makes NO sense to me) anyway the chic was pretty ticked and was trying to get some number off my card so she could fight with em so I was like "givem hell sista" and hung up. glad it was her not me.
SO that was our eventfull day.... Gonna go finish this project for scrappychic mag. and go lay my tired butt down! and whehwhew tomorrow is Friday!!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
I got tagged here we go
7 People I admire
1. My mom 2. My brother 3. My husband 4. my mother in law 5. Deanna kroll 6. Jeanne (look at my blog man!) 7. oh last one... my neighbor Diane Carter I could keep going and going on this question!
7 things I say often:
1. Do you need to potty? 2. Did you wash your hands and flush? 3. I love you. 4. STOP PLEASE! 5. OH my GOodnes 6. That is so stinkin'.... (fill in blank with cute, cool, precious, etc) 7. BELLA COME HERE!!!!!NOW!!! HERE! NOWWWW! DONT MAKE ME GET UP!!!
7 things I cannot do:
1. go like I want to shopping and traveling and etc 2. Write pretty 3. See my feet (prednisone need I say more) 4. keep up with my kid from dawn till dark (wears me slam out) 5. eat shellfish Im allergic 6. paint like my mother 7. add or do any kind of math to save my life (checkboook is out for me )
7 things you might not know about me
1. I eat black eyed peas with my spaghetti 2. I used to be a cheerleader and did tumbling could jump straight up in the air and touch my toes ROFL not anymore the thought makes me cringe 3. I won beauty in my highschool 10th grade homecoming pagent. 4. I know the entire alphabet in sign language 5. I used to be able to get in the sun and had a nice tan. 6. I used to barrell race horses and rodeo. 7. I lived in the same town most of my entire life until I moved to Alabama at 34.
7 Movies I enjoy
McClintock (john wayne) 2. Demolition man 3. Independence day 4. The Thomas Crowne affair 5.After the sunset 6. SOmething to talk about 7. My best friends wedding
7 things I wish I could change in my life
1. The last 6 months ughhh! 2. My health 3. I want to work full time like a normal person without getting sick all the time. 4. august 28th, 2005 12 :18 pm the moment my daddy was killed. 5. I would have prayed for God to open my eyes sooner. 6. I would have taken better care of my body when I was younger 7. I would be more involved in church.
7 books I have read and would read again
I dont read THAT many books anymore... but :
1. Purpose driven life. 2. Beth moore power of the praying wife 3. THe price of privelge (highly recomend this!) 4.myths lies and downright stupidity 5. what your dr's dont want you to know 6. anything erma bombeck 7. the lupus handbook
7 people who should do seven : (doesnt have to be the same 7) hahaha this is where i get yall
Kim (scraptomylu) 2. Teri-lynn (is gonna kill me) 3. Jeanne (how could I forget you dear. 4. Motobarbie youll do it wont you? 5. jaci (i think you already did) 6. Momto3boys ~ lissa :) 7. If your reading this and have a blog THEN TAG YOUR IT!
hmmmm gotta get used to it
I just gotta say
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
fun fun fun
My froggy


To have that much energy again AHHHHH the froggy hop. IN HEELS none the less. A true girly girl in her element froggy hop and all. I thought this would complement my friend Kim's blog she has a picture of her sons pet frog on there so I thought I would share the only frog that I want in my house hahaha! <~~~ there you can see her blog. Give her a shout out for me. Tell her Miss Bella bug Sent ya or shall I say bella froggy sent ya.
lovely day
Monday, July 17, 2006
WHEWWW that was close!
Sunday, July 16, 2006
aaahh Sunday!
Friday, July 14, 2006
Your gonna put that WHERE???!!!!???
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
well DUH

I couldnt figure out WHY the photo of my box didnt show up.... and then I realised (Ok be easy on my IM SICK REMEMBER and on medication) I didnt upload it. SO I will put it here and then go crawl my dyin butt back to bed. I also realised I left out the LINKS to my recommended sites. GOSH Im batting the full inning here huh!
The links of the sites are (in no order still ok!) ,,,,, and These are the sites I frequent most. So stop by and say hello LOTS Of amazing talent! Tell me your favorite sites YOU KNOW I am always looking at different places online. OK crawling off to bed. hope your having a great day today!
an AH HAA ROCKIN' moment!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
The shirt says it all
Monday, July 10, 2006

WHOOPS I did a boo boo. I was wrong about the Hobby Lobby magazine. IT WILL BE IN OCTOBER that it will come out with Bellas sweet face in it. AND at your request since alot of you don't get that magazine here is a VERY ROUGH copy of the page it looks better in person. This is a last years page and has a VERY FUNNY photo that I didnt include on the layout. I had a few tell me to send it in to jay leno for the funny pictures but I DIDNT want to embarass the poor lady so bad but here is the photo YOU HAVE TO LOOK IN THE BACK GROUND I felt so sorry for her but dadgum we have laughed our tails off at that poor woman. That is so my luck ya know but ussually IM the one IN the picture not taking it. WE had no idea this was on the photo till we got the photos developed. Im standing in wal-mart and the photos are on the screen and Im about to wet my pants Im laughing so hard at it and finally the little dude behind the counter comes around and is like OK WHAT is so funny and I showed him. WEll then he calls over his buddies they call over theres by the time it got around we had like 30 people staring at the kodak machine in tears cuz the poor ladies face just says it all. IF YOu know this lady tell her THANKS FOR letting us laugh at her and IM SO SORRY I didnt purposfully take this picture but man we appreciate it!
good news/bad news
Toot toot tootin
fourth july layouts


WELL here is the layout from fouth of July. Our across the street neighbors have a little girl Eva Caroline that is 5 months older than Bella and they are the best of friends. Every day Bella crys and crys wanting to go play with Eva. SO they met in the front yard daddy's in tow and shot fireworks. well the stomped on snaps. They weren't quite strong enough to make them pop just throwing them. SO they stomped them which they thought was GREAT fun! Bella didnt care for the sparklers and every time they lit something she covered her ears cuz she thought it would be loud. It was really cute but I felt so sad for her because I know it scared her. THEY LOVED for Bradlee (my nephew) to pull them in the wagon he made it OH SO FUN. They ate watermelon and played babies and princesses the rest of the evening. Im so glad she has such a sweet little girl across the street to play with.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
They shall be called payne agony and ouch!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Happy 4th of July everyone
Monday, July 03, 2006
PHOTOS FINALLY of the New edition to the family


WELL here she is... FINALLY I have photos of the new ride.. Happy now? ROFL
I wasnt INTENDING on getting a new car NOR did I want a new car... But isnt it pretty. Rides good too. 2007 Toyota Camry still has the new car smell. Bella says Its her car. That is ok with me. I really wanted the Highlander till I saw consumer reports and saw the gas mileage it got so Im the happy owner of a new car. I guess it is time to grow up and be a car driver now. I miss my truck but... we really did need a car with Bella.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Even wumms


A conversation I had with my Dear 3 year old Bella today went like this: BElla: Mommy! Jesus loves everyone ya know. Mommy: Yes Bella Jesus loves everybody. Bella: Even wummms! Mommy: Yep Even wums. Bella: Jesus loves this wumm and Bedda cubber hims up wiff dut... cuz he deayahed. Mommy: Ok... WEll are we having a funeral for him... Bella: HUH? why Bedda have fubertawel? Mommy: No a funeral. Its when something dies and you bury it and say good things about it. Bella: sigh.. NO Bedda just cuvbered hims up wiff durt cuz bedda wike it. Mommy: OK. a few minutes pass... Bella: Mommy EYe a wittle bowey today. Mommy: A little boy? I thought you were mommys beautiful princess. Bella::: TOTALLY ANNOYED:: BEDDA NOT A BOOTIFUWL CINCESS TODAY MOMMY BEDDA BOOTIFUL CINCESS TOMOWOWW!!! SO this is what we did today on a cloudy Sunday afternoon.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
True love

Here isa sneak peak of a layout i did that will be featured in this months VIEW at We had some photo and paper challenges. This is just one of them. You should check out the site we have some great talent there.
Why is it that the ones you trust the most hurt you the most. It never fails.... every day I find something else out about this friend or shall I say who I THOUGHT was my friend. I continue to pray for her. She is in a bad way right now. BUT I am learning My husband is the best friend I will ever have. I am so thankful to him. HE is pretty mad that I helped the friend out and got suckered into the situation and it has put us in a bad way financially for a small while but I have learned a HUGE lesson and IT WILL NEVER happen again.... the fact he has forbid it also helps lol. I guess I should listen to him more. It seems though that when something happens like this it makes us stronger. I dont know if it is because we have to work together to get through it or what, but it shows he is every bit the man I have always thought he was and will be. I thank GOd for him.